Greedy Cherie's

5 Jan 2003
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United Kingdom
Cherie is on money making lecture again making around £30,000 while Tony is asking for money from USA to prop up fund in Africa. Tony is keen to avoid a row over this.

Remember a while back she nicked £100,000 from the children cancer fund :evil:

Cherie salary is over £250,000 per year, so is she moonlighting then?

They make me sick.
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masona said:
Cherie salary is over £250,000 per year

Didn't realise whe was a football player :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

What exactly does she do to justify such a huge salary?
She's a high-flying barrister in her own right, so that salary is fair enough. I would say that we don't have to pay it, but I've got a suspicion that we do through Legal Aid schemes.

The bit that is more of a grey area is that PM's aren't allowed to profit from their position, so the endless free holidays and jaunts, not to mention Cherie's tours talking about life as a PM's wife are all a bit suspect.
Cherie's place :-
Clever cookie !!
..She studied at the London School of Economics for a law degree. She was the first (and still the only) person to earn an LSE law degree with a first class in all her subjects. She later came at the top of her year in the bar exams, while teaching law at the University of Westminster...She established her own chambers, called Matrix Law, in the late 1990s to specialise in cases brought under the European Convention of Human Rights. In 2002, she hit the newspaper headlines because of her involvement with Peter Foster, a convicted Australian conman who assisted her with the purchase of two flats in Bristol. The newspapers referred to the scandal as "Cheriegate". Her relationship with the so-called "style guru" and former model Carol Kaplan has caused consternation in many people.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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bet you wouldnt think that if you woke up sober next to her after a boozy night out! :D
May not be that concerned, after a boozy night out .. any port in a storm !! I remember when sex was safe and flying was dangerous !!
:D :D :D :D :D
I guess masona that you resent it if a footballer gets 250,000 and then gets even more as a comentator or fashion model?

Sour grapes.
Damocles said:
I guess masona that you resent it if a footballer gets 250,000 and then gets even more as a comentator or fashion model?

Sour grapes.
Damocles, you're missing the point, they should set a good example to show they cares as the public see them leading the country and expect us to dig in deep to help the African which is sending out the wrong message.
It's the market that governs what they get paid, if people are willing to pay the best prices for the best services then there will always be those willing to work for that sort of money.
Each country has it's own market forces that govern wages etc this is how it is, plain and simple, what makes it hard to swallow is when the market forces of well off countries enforce their policies on less well off countries ie extremely high interest on debts, stripping of assets etc etc.
it's the structures of the well off countries like ours that because of profit margins and added costs along the chain cause the supplying and often poor countries to lower their prices to barely sustainable levels done so that these countries populations can never change their way of life and better themselves as to do so would allow growth and education and with it the gaining of knowledge that they have been ripped off all these years and hence a loss of supply at ridiculously low prices, so who is the culprit?
It's not the governments alone that share this guilt but all of us in these well off countries that have been used to this form of lifestyle.
Whilst there is a need for the third world countries to be able to supply and sell commodities it should be they that are allowed to fix prices, then the market forces will dictate how high a price they can achieve.
those along the chain that inflate the price will soon be out of jobs if they don't keep the end price at a reasonable level, so in effect the bulk of the profit margin would shift from the middle of the chain to the source where it should be allowing the poorer countries more wealth to expand and expansion would eventually lead to lower end prices rather than filling middle men's wallets as happens at the moment.
what the poorer countries need are co-operatives such that say all the coffee plantations are run together under one financial umbrella so that it is easier to fix the price at their end,where at the moment farmers are played one against the other to lower the price to poor levels they would be working together to get the best price, a sort of coffee OPEC if you like.
kendor said:
what the poorer countries need are co-operatives such that say all the coffee plantations are run together under one financial umbrella so that it is easier to fix the price at their end,where at the moment farmers are played one against the other to lower the price to poor levels they would be working together to get the best price, a sort of coffee OPEC if you like.

Hear, hear.
That's the way the wealth of Joe public started here, oneandahalf age ago.
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