Green Forum, as in energy saving

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I think you'd end up with all sorts of standard insulation queries in there that are better off in Floors, Roofing or the Building section.
I think the problem, as mentioned above, is that there would be quite a bit of crossover, and most posts could live elsewhere. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have some way of linking 'green' posts, and that would, kind of fit in with something we're planning to add next year ;)
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why not call it "new green technology"

with the description "for very new or new ideas that haven't taken off yet"
why not call it "new green technology"

with the description "for very new or new ideas that haven't taken off yet"

That was kinda behind my thinking, I just hadn't put it into words in my head yet.

The title "Energy Saving" or "Green Technology" would incur much 'cross-over' but it's the description that defines what belongs in the forum and what doesn't.
I agree its not bad a idea, the whole industry is going green after all (on paper anyway :rolleyes: ) and why should DIYnot not be seen to be encouraging this direction too. Just that 90% of the threads in there will be 'how do I insulate and board my loft'.
why not call it "new green technology"

with the description "for very new or new ideas that haven't taken off yet"
Can it be set up to automatically delete any posts about domestic microgeneration using solar PV or wind turbines?
Wouldn't questions about Solar PV, wind turbines and similar topics qualify? If not, why not?

They seem perfectly good candidates, to me.
As would ground thermal/heat exchangers, solar heated water, etc.
Because domestic scale solar PV and wind turbines do not work, if by "work" you mean make any sense at all and provide any practical reduction in the use of, or contribution to the generation of, grid electricity.

The only reason people ever install them is because of the perverted distortion of FITs, and the fewer platforms that can be provided for the snake-oil merchants to peddle their lies and distortions the better.
Isn't that exactly the kind of response/comment/opinion that belongs in a 'Green Forum', rather than automatically deleting the posts?

Apart from that, people do not only use such technology to add to the grid. They might chose to not have mains electric, and use the technology in place of it, or as an alternative.
I like the idea also, there have been a few threads that pop up now and again that tend to get swamped in negativity...

If both sides of a particular viewpoint are expressed then people can make an informed decision on this new/growing technology.

It might also inspire some interesting DIY outlooks on new green technology rather than commercial ones. :D
That's not fair BAS.
You can't delete posts 'cos people chose to not take your advice.
It's nothing to do with not taking my advice, and everything to do with denying the charlatans selling domestic PV systems another platform to peddle their lies.

I like the idea also, there have been a few threads that pop up now and again that tend to get swamped in negativity...
It's not "negativity" to point out that domestic PV systems in this country will do SFA to reduce the demand for grid electricity and are being encouraged by a system which involves taking money from the less well off and giving it to people better off than them so that they can waste it on a pointless hobby.

If both sides of a particular viewpoint are expressed then people can make an informed decision on this new/growing technology.

It might also inspire some interesting DIY outlooks on new green technology rather than commercial ones. :D
But it's the commercial interests, fanned by the lunatic distortion of the economic realities of PV and the totally mythical assumed performance of PV that strongly militate against people making informed decisions.

The only people I've seen on this site promoting domestic PV turn out to be installers of it. :confused:
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