Handrails ???

23 Oct 2003
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United Kingdom
Hi again.

Can anybody advise me about a stair handrail query?
Is there a specified size and diameter of handrail required for a loft conversion?

My partner has had a loft conversion done and the local council have decide that the treads are too wide for the tread depth on the (90 deg) bend of the stairway and want another handrail installed to move the walkway centerline in a bit. They have not mentioned any specs etc in their request.

Many thanks,
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why not ask them? if some one here says xyz, and they say it is wrong, not a lot of use is it?
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All sorted now. Managed to get a good deal on a 3m length of 2nd user handrail and brackets. Just awaiting final inspection.

Thanks for assistance.

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