Have Radiators improved fantastically in the past 25 years ?

6 Sep 2007
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United Kingdom
Was just doing some calcs (Ok using a online calculator)

It recons that I could replace my lounge 2000X600 Rad with a 1300X400 is this so ?

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is the new one a double with fins? Is the old one single?

I like big rads anyway. With TRVs, obviously. The boiler can run full on to fill them all up with hot water, then sit back for a while.

In cold weather, or if you've been away, you also have extra heating capacity.
The old one is Single with no fins & a 8mm Supply

The new one (n theory) is Single with fins & a 25mm supply

I had to put Trv's all over the place after getting cavity wall insulation, because we were dying of heat exhaustion watching Emerdale :rolleyes:
25mm supply ? no chance. Surely you are going to keep your old pipes.

but if you have fitted cavity wall insulation and the house was warm before, you can (if you want to) downsize some rads. But I wouldn't for the reasons given. Presumably you already have a room stat? I wonder why that didn't turn the heat off once the house was warm? Does your wife keeping turning it up?

BTW if you have those little pipes they are very prone to blocking with sediment, so if you haven't already done it, give it at least a chemical clean, flush and refill with inhibitor.

A Magnaclean is IMO very worthwhile if your radiators are rather old and likely to have built up a fair bit of black sediment.
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15mm Supply ...... (My Bad)

We are not keeping anything....... In the process of Building extension, & a proper conservatory (none of this plastic roof carp ;) ) Then demolishing the majority of the internal walls ....... So all the micro bore will go (As its plastered in)

The spoonhead that replaced our boiler 15yrs ago bridged out the room stat & I really didn't notice till relatively recently ...... (It didn't enter my head that somone would do such a thing)....... The Mrs is one of those people that ON means FULL BLAST 24/7 & Off means Polar bears frolliking accross the duvet :rolleyes:

Anyways I was going to change the radiators, so I don't have to chemically was anything out & they will all look pretty & new ...... Yeah ok :confused:
John M said:
The Mrs is one of those people that ON means FULL BLAST 24/7 & Off means Polar bears froliking accross the duvet :rolleyes:

You mean she's a woman?

It's always worthwhile having a chemical clean, old syst before you start work (to prevend dislodged sediment circulating round)l new syst (to remove flux and oil). A magnaclean is IMO a good investment if you have steel rads, you will be surprised at what it finds.
It is a good idea to bridge out the room stat if a woman is in the house as she can put it up to max and feel warm mentally when you know it is only 18 degrees lol

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