Have these chimney cowls been fitted properly?

28 Jan 2025
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United Kingdom
The front two chimney pots had rain cowls fitted to them 3 months ago.

The second one back blew off in the recent storm. It looks like a part snapped off, but that was there already - the cowl itself is intact.

The first one looks like it’s clinging in for dear life. Have these been fitted correctly? Thanks
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dont forget to add the pics

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It’s letting me add the images now. Thank you


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The first pot really needs the jubilee clip to be lower.
The third pot in is a Colt, a good product which is held on by internal clips.
The second one has simply rotted away, and will now reside in a garden somewhere.
Choose a quality cowl, suited to whatever appliance is down there, have it fixed properly and keep an eye on it!
Thanks for your reply John! The second one was brand new - only fitted 3 months ago, but as with the first one, I think poorly fitted with the jubilee too high, so it blew off in the recent storm.
There seems to be a bit still remaining on pot 2!
Either way, stainless steel are probably the best, aluminium ones are rotted by wood burners but few are really well made.
The Colt ones have hooks that grip on the inside of the pot, I do find them pretty good.
John :)

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