I started getting similar emails about a year ago from Halifax, Santander, Nat West etc (although I don't bank with any of them)
I clicked one link just to see where it took me and the website looked just like the actual banks website (only difference was the url) I checked with the real banks website first.
Now I usually forward these emails to the real banks, security/fraud dept.
Latest email scams seem to concern a tax refund from the IRS (American tax dept) As I live in the UK I just delete these. Another one to watch out for is ,,, If your on Skype and have your settings so you can receive "chat" from anyone,, people contact you via the chat, usually from Ghana/Nigeria with the usual tales of woe "Family have all been killed but they have the usual inheritance of $25 million+ and need your help to get it out of the country.
I usually ignore these, but sometimes string them along for a while (quite entertaining) before setting Skype to offline mode.