We've had a problems with our washing maching since we got it 4 years ago.
This morning it stopped mid cycle - done this before - so like before I started to empty the filter. After much water going everywhere, eventually came across a few coins an a twisted up pair of eyebrow tweezers!
So started the machine again, it went for a bit, stopped, then the dial keeped cliking round and round. Stopped the machine, turned the dial to the reset dial and switched it back on.
Went fine for 1/2 hour, but has now stopped again and dial keeps turning round and round.
I phoned Indesit they want 150 to come out and repair. Told them I'd rather buy a new machine!
Any idea what I should do before going out and buying a new one?
This morning it stopped mid cycle - done this before - so like before I started to empty the filter. After much water going everywhere, eventually came across a few coins an a twisted up pair of eyebrow tweezers!
So started the machine again, it went for a bit, stopped, then the dial keeped cliking round and round. Stopped the machine, turned the dial to the reset dial and switched it back on.
Went fine for 1/2 hour, but has now stopped again and dial keeps turning round and round.
I phoned Indesit they want 150 to come out and repair. Told them I'd rather buy a new machine!
Any idea what I should do before going out and buying a new one?