Howdy, here's the prob. Just moved house and bought a load of solid oak flooring 18mmx120 various lengths from 40mm to 1200. Having ripped up the old laminate I've found underneath is 'orrible chipboard which is floating on 65mm cellotex which sits on concrete. I assumed when the previous owner said it was a solid floor that it was under the laminate, not 70mm below!
So, how do I fit my flooring now? I clearly need to keep insulation but I have issues with the height of the floor, it's already too high by a few mm at the french doors due to dodgy installation.
Would 50mm insulation between 50mm battens and 12mm ply be o.k to secret nail to? This would give me the right height but I'm conscious its an expensive fix. I have been told the boards need to be fixed to at least 3 battens which is going to prove impossible with many of them being 40, 50 or 70 long, hence the need for ply. Any ideas...I'm no pro as you prob'ly guessed!
So, how do I fit my flooring now? I clearly need to keep insulation but I have issues with the height of the floor, it's already too high by a few mm at the french doors due to dodgy installation.
Would 50mm insulation between 50mm battens and 12mm ply be o.k to secret nail to? This would give me the right height but I'm conscious its an expensive fix. I have been told the boards need to be fixed to at least 3 battens which is going to prove impossible with many of them being 40, 50 or 70 long, hence the need for ply. Any ideas...I'm no pro as you prob'ly guessed!