Help with dishwasher... (fairy liquid involved...)

18 Dec 2007
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United Kingdom
Hello all...

Turning to forums for help as I'm reaching the end of my tether...

I have an integrated Nardi dishwasher (never heard of them, similar design to Baumatic etc, so assume its just another generic make), and on the weekend, someone who shall remain anonymous, decided to put some fairy liquid in the dishwasher - anyway, I heard the error noise (beep beep beep several hundred times) and got up to find the dishwasher slowly filling up with bubbles... Now it didnt overflow, I just switched it off, left them to dissolve, and put it on a normal full wash cycle... foolishly assuming it was working as normal...

Anyway when I went to the dishwasher the next day, and saw the tablet had just sat in the bottom of the unit, not getting more than mildly soggy, I realised something was up. Starting another wash cycle, it started making some very chuggy noise, followed by silence... and then that disconcerting smell of a motor or pump trying to do something and obviously not being able to... so I switched off, and left it another day...

Did a bit of searching online, read something about sticking vinegar in there, so tried that, no luck... read another about doing lots of rinse cycles, did that, still wont work properly...

So, I left it another day, and tried again this evening, still the same, turn it on and it sounds like its going to work normally, lots of noise and then long long periods of silence, and worrying smells (at which point I turn it off again).

I've tried running it with the door open, to see what exactly is happening, and on rinse, it drains the water out, then spits a bit of water up into the chamber, but all there is, is a trickle of water coming down the sides... on a full cycle, it whirrs for a few seconds then nothing happens at all...

So, any idea what to try next?? My last resort will be obviously to rip the damn thing out and check all pipes etc, but, as I mentioned it is integrated, so this may end up being a timely job... plus I don't really have a clue what im doing (how hard can it be)

Would also like to just point out that there are no bubbles visible in the machine, they all went within the first night!

Welcome all replies, thanks.
Have you check the spray arms are clear, remove them & run water through them. When my Hotpoint dosnt disolve the tablet thats my problem.
I don't understand if you mean it fills up with water to the proper level or not.

The spray arms are clear I think, when I tried the rinse, some water was coming out of them...

JohnD - I am assuming it is not filling up to the proper levels, as the periods of silence I hear are usually when it would be filling up with water I think - but its taking so long, as all there is, is a trickle coming in..

After I posted this, I saw at the bottom it has "related posts" and one of them in particular sounded familiar - mentioned something about the base being filled, and anti-flood being activated? Would this still be the case with it being an integral dishwasher?



this is the post I am referring to...
On my machine anti flood...means nothing works till its cleared.
But I have ready that the bubbles can spill inti the anti flood. I think you will need to remove the machine & check it.
Tray at the base of machine, operated with flow switch, tipping the machine will empty it. Well it does on mine.

Yes I'm thinking I'll have to remove the machine this weekend... great...

How easy is it to access this tray, and flow switch? I'd just like to point out I have no idea about any of this sort of thing, do I just take it out and tip it backwards and hope it all comes out? I'd like to be armed with all possibilities before I attempt it!!

Ditch the Nardi and get a Neff. I have a Baumatic washer-dryer in one of my flats (got it because it was the cheapest stainless steel one) and have regretted it ever since. It can't cope with liquitabs without overflowing and the noise it makes when it's drying sounds like a steam roller going over a bed of nails.
Hi Nick,

Thanks for the reply, to be honest I'd like to try and fix this one first before I start looking round for a replacement, just spent a bomb on Christmas, and had to buy a new washing machine too last month as our old hand-me-down one finally packed in!!

It has worked relatively trouble free so far anyway, stopped working for some unknown reason last month aswell though... (came with the house!)
I'd guess at a flooded base. Unfortunately I also guess that the circulation motor has been sitting in water and has now gone up in smoke.
Oh bugger...

Oh well, if it's a flooded base, do I just take the machine out and tip it back 'til all the water comes out?
Couldn't seem to get the machine to budge... but i took the little inspection panels on the front off, of the base, and all looked fine, no water in there, but I ran it, and there was actual pungent smoke coming from what looked like the main pump - I can take a photo if need be - ideas anyone??? Is it knackered
If you read my previous post, it's what I suspected.
The circulation motor is indeed knackered.
Caused by water getting into the base and the motor winding sitting in water. Very common fault on early Indesits and new Chinese made machines.

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