He's having a laugh...

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
"Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he is "deeply concerned" about scenes of violence in Northern Ireland."

By twitter of course...

But he and all other brexiteers are to blame!

It's the result of the brexit 'deal', and it's also stirring up the old rhetoric...

"First Minister Arlene Foster said the actions "only serve to take the focus off the real law breakers in Sinn Féin"

It was inevitable of course, but brexiteers will no doubt now be shrugging their shoulders since the violence is an acceptable consequence of 'getting back control'...

There is a generation who have grown up with peace in N.I.

But I wonder what will happen if/when the first real bomb goes off or the gunmen reappear?
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Its the EU fault /s

As long as the Brexiteers are buying the Bojo of this world will keep on selling.
But I wonder what will happen if/when the first real bomb goes off or the gunmen reappear?
So, surrender to violence is your answer then?

Sorry, forgot. You’re a bit of a female Che Guevara aren’t you.
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So it’s my fault that people on the island of Ireland can’t grow up, move on & stop harping back to bygone times.
The marching season has never stopped.
The punishment beatings (knee capping etc) have never stopped.
The world had moved on, we can’t let the tail wag the dog.
Give certain people the slightest reason to start rioting & they will grab it with both hands.
Should we change or whole country just because of a couple of hundred of idiots can’t behave themselves?
Elle grow up, cheap shot as usual.
I didn’t see you posting about the EU suddenly moving the goalposts a couple of months ago.
You need to find a boyfriend.
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So, surrender to violence is your answer then?

Sorry, forgot. You’re a bit of a Che Guevara aren’t you.
It's the brexiteers that said that a return to violence was an acceptable consequence, not remainers...

But then brexiteers always blame anyone but themselves!
Yes, let’s let a couple of hundred thuggish, violent criminals stop the wishes of 17,410,742 voters as long as it suits your wishes!
Yes, let’s let a couple of hundred thuggish, violent criminals stop the wishes of 17,410,742 voters as long as it suits your wishes!
N.I. voted against division and violence and to remain...

Slowly but surely the erroneously named 'project fear' is being shown as project reality...

Thus any violence on the heads of brexiteers be it...

After all, brexiteers knew exactly what they were voting for, didn't they? :rolleyes:
After all, brexiteers knew exactly what they were voting for, didn't they? :rolleyes:
Yep. Some people on here knew what they were going to do after the 2019 general election and told everyone so too. Didn’t they?
G. I’ve got a customer who is a top phycologist. Would you like to speak to anyone about all the pent up poison you obviously have stored up inside. It will help you to talk to someone professionally.

Brexxers were punch drunk on second hand nostalgia of the Empire and World War 2., or a time before the EU.

The hypocrisy.

lucky we got out when we did tbh

all this poor standards in government are a direct consequence of being in the EU
Blimey stayed any longer and we would end up like the French scoundrels
Back handers
Cash filled envelopes passed under the toilet doors
nod and a wink policies
That’s what u have been supporting
Jeez us wept :eek:
No more of them EU diplomatic jollies in the UK either ;)

all at the uk tax payers expense

blimey some of the hotels and insurance companies will breath a sigh of relief that some of the Eastern European member states won’t be turning up with there diplomatic trunks ;) and tool kits

stripping the hotels of there fixtures and fittings ;)
And wandering of with carpets in. The early hours :LOL:
lucky we got out when we did tbh

all this poor standards in government are a direct consequence of being in the EU
Blimey stayed any longer and we would end up like the French scoundrels
Back handers
Cash filled envelopes passed under the toilet doors
nod and a wink policies
That’s what u have been supporting
Jeez us wept :eek:

No more of them EU diplomatic jollies in the UK either ;)

all at the uk tax payers expense

blimey some of the hotels and insurance companies will breath a sigh of relief that some of the Eastern European member states won’t be turning up with there diplomatic trunks ;) and tool kits

stripping the hotels of there fixtures and fittings ;)
And wandering of with carpets in. The early hours :LOL:
I see transam is back on his xenophobic soapbox.

Bigotry is taught to children from an early age, by their parents and other relatives. It becomes so deep in their psyche that they can't see the world except through their fog of bigotry.
Have you ever thought where you got your bigotry from, transam?

You told us your Grandfather was an Austrian who volunteered for the Gestapo.
And one of your uncles was in the SS.
And another Uncle was a guard in a Nazi concentration camp.
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