Hillary's Blinds

28 Jan 2011
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United Kingdom
Just after people opinions....

My grandparents are 92 years old and they live in a warden controlled flat that is privately rented. Due to their age, i would consider them quite vulnerable in many ways.

Anyway, they wanted a blind replacing in their lounge. They got 'Hillary's round and they have charged them 600 quid for a single wooden Venetian blind.... they also refused to take the old blind away.

I feel the sales person has taken advantage if their age and vulnerability- they have no idea how much these sorts of things cost, and I believe this has been exploited by the salesperson. I have tried to speak to the company and they have refused blankly to discuss the matter staying they cant talk about another persons order. They refused to be drawn on the extortionate cost and stated they would only deal with the customer directly. They were unable or unwilling to see my point of view, i.e. that the customer was very elderly and it would be futile/inappropriate to try and discuss it with them. What are people's opinions on this? Am I being overly suspicious?
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williamglossop, good evening.

Do you or any other member of the immediate family have a power of Attorney?

if so then Hillary will have not "Data protection" to hide behind.

Suggest that you contact Citizens Advice and see what they come up with?? that service is free they may have on their boorks other instances of what you describe.

Was the new installation approved and agreed by the Warden or the letting agent or landlord?

The landlord is happy for them to make minor alterations without prior approval. There is no power of attorney, and they wont want to cause a fuss - older generation etc. I just think its disgusting that a large company like this would behave like this..... I will not leave it alone, i genuinely believe they have acted in a dishonest manner in order to make a quick quid.
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Clearly robbing scum and one day they will steal from someone that will find them and even the score. Unfortunately as you are here asking advice the likelihood is there isn't much you can do (legally) if your grandparents have signed a contract and agreed to the terms. It all depends on how many hours of your life you have to throw at it. As someone else said you could start by shaming them online.
I think there is a fine line between someone agreeing to a contract (by signing it etc) and being manipulated into it by virtue of their age or other vulnerability
There is a very interesting line between a legal honest Contract and a Contract that diminishes the purchasers rights the latter generally issued by shall I call them unscrupulous vendors

OK I work in the Insurance sector, some legally operating Companies are complete, total, absolute, rip off merchants, operating just within the legal framework that is governed by in some areas tight legislation but with some much used loop holes and the utilisation of manipulation and complete lies, but on the surface all appears well, such is the face presented to the public, what goes on in the office is nothing short of scandalous.

I think there is a fine line between someone agreeing to a contract (by signing it etc) and being manipulated into it by virtue of their age or other vulnerability

My father got persuaded by Acorn lifts. Salesmen signed him up for a lift, almost £6k. He took a deposit on the day and wrote out the balance cheque as well, ready to be signed.

I managed to get it put on hold whilst we got other quotes.

A week leter Acorn rang him up and said they had 'an installer, in the area' so could drop the price by nearly £1k.

He went ahead........since then he has paid £1800 for extended warranty and service.....

Blind companies are known for sales techniques, one of my customers had a rep go round from a blibd company. Quoted first price of £25k, which when the customer laughed, dropped to £15k at which point the rep was persuaded to leave
I think there is a fine line between someone agreeing to a contract (by signing it etc) and being manipulated into it by virtue of their age or other vulnerability

And it's a different set of rules when you are dealing with personal versus commercial debt. If you were dealing with a one man band it would be simpler but a company will have you jumping hoops until you're blue in the face. The police don't care and are trading standards even contactable any more? Do you want the angst ? If the grandparents are willing to take it on the chin maybe you should to. Why don't you tell us who the company is.
Just after people opinions....

My grandparents are 92 years old and they live in a warden controlled flat that is privately rented. Due to their age, i would consider them quite vulnerable in many ways.

Anyway, they wanted a blind replacing in their lounge. They got 'Hillary's round and they have charged them 600 quid for a single wooden Venetian blind.... they also refused to take the old blind away.

I feel the sales person has taken advantage if their age and vulnerability- they have no idea how much these sorts of things cost, and I believe this has been exploited by the salesperson. I have tried to speak to the company and they have refused blankly to discuss the matter staying they cant talk about another persons order. They refused to be drawn on the extortionate cost and stated they would only deal with the customer directly. They were unable or unwilling to see my point of view, i.e. that the customer was very elderly and it would be futile/inappropriate to try and discuss it with them. What are people's opinions on this? Am I being overly suspicious?

That is obscene . I wiuld have a word with trading standards, £600 for 1 blind? wholly unacceptable especially as you rightly point out on vulnerable old folk.
I believe Hillarys (they don't use an apostrophe) is a franchise organisation so perhaps you could complain to the head office.

You might have a pleasant surprise in the form of compensation - or not.
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