Hi all
I am new to this and please could someone assist, I am trying to install the HIVE dual zone system and have an issue with the heating.
Current set up is a Danfoss central heating system, with 3 zones. The boiler is a Potterton promax 15 located in the kitchen, with the main controller next to it.
Channel 1 - downstairs heating
Channel 2 - upstairs heating
Channel 3 - hot water
I removed the original Danfoss controller next to the boiler in the kitchen, (photo attached ) whereby we have the L,N and wiring for each zones 1,2 & 3. Note I already removed the N & L wired into the Hive
Next to this is the Hive dual receiver, this is how I wired it up.
N & L is obvious
I placed both the heating existing wires into terminal 4
Hot water in terminal 3
This is not right as the heating does not come on, despite the receiver symbol lighting up it appears nothing is signalling the boiler to kick in?
Hot water comes on, boiler kicks in and is fine.
Two original analogue thermostats removed and disconnected
All through the app on both Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

I am new to this and please could someone assist, I am trying to install the HIVE dual zone system and have an issue with the heating.
Current set up is a Danfoss central heating system, with 3 zones. The boiler is a Potterton promax 15 located in the kitchen, with the main controller next to it.
Channel 1 - downstairs heating
Channel 2 - upstairs heating
Channel 3 - hot water
I removed the original Danfoss controller next to the boiler in the kitchen, (photo attached ) whereby we have the L,N and wiring for each zones 1,2 & 3. Note I already removed the N & L wired into the Hive
Next to this is the Hive dual receiver, this is how I wired it up.
N & L is obvious
I placed both the heating existing wires into terminal 4
Hot water in terminal 3
This is not right as the heating does not come on, despite the receiver symbol lighting up it appears nothing is signalling the boiler to kick in?
Hot water comes on, boiler kicks in and is fine.
Two original analogue thermostats removed and disconnected
All through the app on both Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.