Hive installation help

31 Oct 2017
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United Kingdom
Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone could assist me in installing hive for my Biasi Inovia 36c combi boiler.

I currently have a Honeywell t40 stat in the hallway which is useless in it's current position.

I'm hoping someone can give me some guidance on wiring things up.

Current config of the t40 is:

Red - 1
Yellow - 3

The neutral and earth are not connected.


I have found a block under the floor, where these wires are then connected to the boiler as follows:

Red - brown - 3
Yellow - Blue - 1

20171031_140231.jpg 20171031_140154.jpg 20171031_140136.jpg 20171031_140130.jpg

I am assuming I can disconnect these from the boiler and make the old stat redundant and start again?

In which case can somebody advise me on what to do please?

Thank you!
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The existing thermostat wiring is appalling, whoever installed that should be stabbed in the face with a cutlass. Disconnect the old thermostat wiring from the boiler, run a 5 core flex from:
NO links between live and anywhere else.
Use Hive single channel receiver only.
Set any internal boiler heating timer to always on.
The existing thermostat wiring is appalling, whoever installed that should be stabbed in the face with a cutlass. Disconnect the old thermostat wiring from the boiler, run a 5 core flex from:
NO links between live and anywhere else.
Use Hive single channel receiver only.
Set any internal boiler heating timer to always on.

Huge thanks for your quick reply.

The boiler install was done on the cheap before we bought the house. (Not by us I might add)

Will the below flex suffice?
The existing thermostat wiring is appalling, whoever installed that should be stabbed in the face with a cutlass.

I wonder too, why so many of the old mechanical thermostats are installed without a neutral connected even when the wire is there to do it, and its connection is clearly marked on the lid..:rolleyes:

I bet it wasn't very accurate!
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Will the below flex suffice?
That will be fine, though 0.75mm² is a bit easier to terminate, don't forget the cable clips, and clip the cable so it can't touch any hot pipes if the cable you get is not heat resisting. I'd recommend this cable. Make sure you use the cable clamps in the boiler and that none of the coloured wires are visible when the covers are fitted.

I wonder too, why so many of the old mechanical thermostats are installed without a neutral connected even when the wire is there to do it, and its connection is clearly marked on the lid..:rolleyes:

I bet it wasn't very accurate!
Probably either laziness, lack of knowledge, lack of care, or all 3.
That will be fine, though 0.75mm² is a bit easier to terminate, don't forget the cable clips, and clip the cable so it can't touch any hot pipes if the cable you get is not heat resisting. I'd recommend this cable. Make sure you use the cable clamps in the boiler and that none of the coloured wires are visible when the covers are fitted.

I've found some heat resistant at toolstation, although it's at a hugely inflated price!

Is there any chance you can describe which colour wires I should use for the 1-1 and 3-3 connections.
Grey and black, any order. They appear to be live connections so each grey/black should have a bit of brown sleeving on it.
Yes, just make sure the cable is fixed to the wall to prevent anything catching it and pulling it out of the terminals.

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