HIVE question (another thread)

9 Oct 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi, this has probably been answered somewhere else but I can’t seem to match my specific question to a previous thread.

I’m just switching to the HIVE set up and was about to rewire the HIVE receiver before realising I don’t have enough wires. Picture of previous install below, but I don’t seem to have a wire to place in to channel 3 of HIVE. (Unless the yellow/green wire isn’t actually an earth?)

any ideas?
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(Unless the yellow/green wire isn’t actually an earth?)
Bingo! You may have seen myself and others say colours mean diddly squat in heating systems, it’s poor practice to use the green/yellow cpc (aka earth) as a live conductor, and yours Ian being used as the switch live - so if you re-use this, then use some brown sleeving or insulation tape. Unless you change the cable?

Existing Boss/Siemens receiver to Hive is as follows:

L - L
N - N
Remove existing link (red wire) and Link L to Common (terminal 1)
L1 to NO (terminal 3) and sleeve/wrap brown insulation tape
Perfect. Thanks I wasn’t sure if that really was an earths and don’t have a tool to test if live. The bigger set up is below - so will assume previous fitter just didn’t tape it off for communication.
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Tape what off? The green/yellow? If yes, then as I said, it’s poor practice to use it especially if it’s not been identified as a live conductor.
Sorry, I meant tape/sleeve the earth wire.
Yep, some just don’t do it, probably because it’s hidden, but what happens when someone like yourself comes along to renew, especially if you took it for granted it was an earth/cpc? - Nasty shock or worse.
Yeah it’s nuts how some don’t bother to wrap/communicate changed wires. Something that takes seconds too.
Appreciate the help.

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