Holiday on Ice - Cardiff Arena

19 Aug 2004
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United Kingdom
My apologies for this being a bit of rank but I need to get this off my chest.

We went to see Holiday on Ice at the Cardiff arena. Good show BUT, they sold light sticks etc. which children waved during the action. This spoiled the first half for me and I was a row back so the lights were not directly in front of my face as they were for the row below. I did mention it to their parents and in the interval I moved back a row.

Now, ignoring what I think of the parents I feel it is irresponsible to sell lights stick at a show. What next? Light sabers for the next star wars film? I even went to far as to write to CIA. Basically their reply was a polite BUGGER OFF YOU GRUMPY SOD. Nothing to do with us. Holiday on Ice sell them and nobody else has complained to us.

Call me strange but I don't see that paying getting up for £100 to see a show through waving light sticks is good value for money. IMO whatever profit they made selling these is outweighed by the loss of set revenue as I for one wouldn't go again.
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How high were these kids waving the glow-sticks? I'm just thinking, it sounds like they were going full on, arms extended above the head. That would annoy me so badly! Especially after spending £100 on it.

Thing is, we all have different thresholds for annoyance and different expectations from an event. A cinema is easy, EVERYONE wants EVERYONE to be quiet (I have witnessed staff ejecting the ubiquitous oh-so-witty chavs from my local multiplex, and receiving an ovation!) :LOL: Politics, sports, pets, wars, you will never get the British to agree with one another. The one thing we ALL love is morons getting thrown out of the cinema! :LOL:

Our enjoyment of other types of events varies from person to person. I remember a rock gig I went to in London a couple of years ago. I was moshing away like any rock-lover would, then some idiot threatened to punch me because he was getting knocked. Well durr, don't stand in the mosh pit then! :LOL: He even went so far as to tell us "You're not meant to mosh!" :rolleyes: . Hmmm, about 200 other people seemed to think that was exactly what they were meant to do, and the huge security guys didn't have a problem with it.

All he had to do was shuffle 10 feet to the left and he would have had no bother, but instead he chose to stand on the perimeter of the mosh pit getting bashed and knocked.

It probably spoiled his enjoyment of the evening because he just wanted to sway gently like a ponce, and it reduced mine because I had the boring g*t repeatedly threatening to punch me.
They were small kids with long arms :evil: They were indeed sticking their arms up at full stretch.

The other ridiculous thing was that at the start the management requested no flash photograph and turn mobiles off. But waving lights about is ok as we sell them :evil:
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