WDM120 stopped spinning a few weeks ago. Eventually found a dry soldred joint on module, fixed and hey presto worked fine again. 2 days ago motor stopped running at all. Rest of machine works according to programme but when motor asked to run it just jerks a bit. Suspected moduleso renewed it this time. Took motor out to be sure, cleaned up brushes and commutator. checked continuity on stator and rotor, seem ok. Tacho magnet has hairline crack but still in situ. all back together and motor ran ok! .....for a few minutes........then is seems to 'stall' jerking back and forth as if jammed...Now is completely dead now. took it out again and coils still ok, (measured across connector terminals)
Put machine though a cycle and everything seems to happen when it should, except for no life from the motor. Couldnt hear any clicks from the relays on the module so i'm wondereing if theres a fault 'upstream' of this. Checked through the wiring loom back to the programmer as best i could and all seems ok.
Put machine though a cycle and everything seems to happen when it should, except for no life from the motor. Couldnt hear any clicks from the relays on the module so i'm wondereing if theres a fault 'upstream' of this. Checked through the wiring loom back to the programmer as best i could and all seems ok.