I think you have to accept that a bit of damp will get behind the cladding when it rains, and will dry off in the sun. Treat the ends of the boards with wood preserver and stain before fixing, you will never reach it afterwards. I'd stagger them alternately. A cover strip will hold damp.
You can put breathable membrane behind the battens, but there should not be much damp. In summer the gap between the boards will open up, exposing any untreated timber.
I found it easy to treat all the boards and battens, all surfaces, and drill the screw holes, before fitting. It also does a better job. You need small stainless screws or you will get stain. I used teak strip to cover the ends, I live in a boat building area and got some scrap. I expect treated timber will do.
The bottom boards will fail first, damp from rainsplash. Make a few extra so you can screw them on when the originals need replacing. Try to have them overhanging, not touching, the dwarf wall or whatever is beneath,