Please help :
I have a water tank controlled by Horstmann maxistore econ 7 quartz controller. The water tank has 2 heating elements wired separately into the controller (a lower one for "timed" overnight econ 7 heating and one higher for "boost" option). The red light on the controller is on, (main fuse downstairs not tripping) but neither element is triggered by either the overnight timed econ 7 control or the independent "boost" function. Do I need to replace the controller or is it possible my 2 heating elements in the water tank are faulty.
3 kids and no hot water - help
I have a water tank controlled by Horstmann maxistore econ 7 quartz controller. The water tank has 2 heating elements wired separately into the controller (a lower one for "timed" overnight econ 7 heating and one higher for "boost" option). The red light on the controller is on, (main fuse downstairs not tripping) but neither element is triggered by either the overnight timed econ 7 control or the independent "boost" function. Do I need to replace the controller or is it possible my 2 heating elements in the water tank are faulty.
3 kids and no hot water - help