
24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
.....On Wednesday, Mr Howard will claim urgent action is needed because there is now a greater risk of dying from a hospital acquired infection than being killed in a road accident......

Come on Tone --- we need Queue Cameras in the corridors, that should replace a few nurses.
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pipme said:
.....On Wednesday, Mr Howard will claim urgent action is needed because there is now a greater risk of dying from a hospital acquired infection than being killed in a road accident......

Come on Tone --- we need Queue Cameras in the corridors, that should replace a few nurses.
Has the MSRA strain now become totally resistant to eradication?
kendor said:
pipme said:
.....On Wednesday, Mr Howard will claim urgent action is needed because there is now a greater risk of dying from a hospital acquired infection than being killed in a road accident......

Come on Tone --- we need Queue Cameras in the corridors, that should replace a few nurses.
Has the MSRA strain now become totally resistant to eradication?
No, as long as they can get its reg. no. it will face the full force of persecution and prohibition (but only after the election, need to keep our old promises back to sell them to you again).
no not at all, just mr blair got rid of all the cleaners and staff needed when he introduced more red tape
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listening to radio today and one of the callers said that at one particular hospital there was 1 cleaner for 2 wards and 5 cleaning supervisors sat in offices who were not obliged to do the cleaning. Labour madness or what. Just like the good old fashioned council worker and his union handbook, 5 watching and 1 doing :rolleyes:
The infections must stem from either bad sterilisation of surgical equipment or non sterile dressings of wounds as i don't think the hospital floors being dirty would contribute towards it, unless the patients are falling out of bed onto the floor that is.

Is the MSRA bug capable of being airborne perhaps? does the air conditioning in hospitals need to be looked at?
Methycillin Resistant Staphlococcus Aureus is not airborne in that sense, unlike Legionella, which thrives in cooling towers. Ref the case in Lancs at the mo.
They are also finding MRSA in ambulance.

Tony Blair 1997: "We have 48hrs to save the NHS".

Hospital bosses fat cat are earning between £100,000 to £120,000. They has over 70% pay rise since 1997. So what have they done about it? Nothing they are too busy meeting government target figures!
securespark said:
Methycillin Resistant Staphlococcus Aureus is not airborne in that sense, unlike Legionella, which thrives in cooling towers. Ref the case in Lancs at the mo.
I've noticed that although expensive in relation, that Air Con with Cooling towers is gradually being phased out with the expensive pressurized/chiller combos that do away with the towers and havn't the legionnaires problems.
Is this new Building Regs coming into force?
kendor said:
The infections must stem from either bad sterilisation of surgical equipment or non sterile dressings of wounds as i don't think the hospital floors being dirty would contribute towards it, unless the patients are falling out of bed onto the floor that is.

Is the MSRA bug capable of being airborne perhaps? does the air conditioning in hospitals need to be looked at?

The bug lives on dirty equipment yes, but it is transferred say through a dirty dressing being dropped on the floor, someone stands on it and transfers it into a clean sterile area and so on. I don't know if airborne though
Not airborne, transferred by contact.
The MRSA risk comes from a combination of factors.
Spread is mostly by poor personal hygiene. Remember when they used to wash hands before and after every consultation? Seems they don't do that anymore.
Combine that with some reduction in general cleaning standards and you get contaminated hands touching surfaces that are not regularly cleaned. Then these hands are not washed before...... or after...... - yuk, it doesn't bear thinking about.
I believe its a combination of dirtier hospitals due to the privatisation of cleaning services, both Tory and Labour are as bad as each other in this respect. The moment profit came in hygeine went out. Then there are some medical staff who clearly don't wash their hands properly too. Have any of you noticed near hospitals the nurses and doctors etc, are walking the streets and on buses etc, in uniform, surely that can't be right.

Look at this case in tonights local paper.

Can it really be cheaper to sub out the cleaning of surgical equipment?
Hospital staff have been walking the streets in uniform for many years. Sorry, I'll say that differently, staff have been wearing uniform to and from work for many years. I really don't think that is a factor.
"The system" has been lulled into a false sense of security by the apparently-miraculous power of antibiotics. This has led to a gradual drop in awareness of the importance of personal hygiene - hey if the patient gets infected a course of penicillin will sort them out.
I am not suggesting that there has not been a general reduction in cleanliness of hospital accommodation - you just have to look around - but the highest risk comes from lack of attention to basic hygiene on the part of care professionals.
Hmmmm - and aren't you glad that "they" stopped the ops when there was sub-standard kit? If the contract does not include swinging penalties for this kind of non-compliance I'd be amazed - though is anyone tracking it?
PS - GENERAL CAUTION - It's been a bad day.
Often wondered about subbing out the cleaning -- happened in industry too ... result ? not good at the user end. Multi-tasking aint so hot, sequential tasking gets the job done ... (saw the prog on TV Thurs eve) Also a person with sole responsibility for an area or two takes greater pride in the 'doings', I have observed this first hand down the years in Injuneering.
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