house only 22 years old but comes under 'listed' buildings

15 Jun 2009
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United Kingdom

we live in Bath, which is both good and bad _ we live in a mews house which was only built in 1987 but clad in Bath stone and made to look like the other 5 mews houses in the lane which are original. in front of each mews house is a 'big' house (4 storey and a million £ plus) Each house still own the house behind it ( which were once stable blocks) except ours. our house is stand alone with our little 3m x 4 m walled garden. Our problem is this - we would like to build a (in keeping) wrought iron and wood balcony out from our living room ( by default of being a mews is above a free flying space where presumably a garage or stable would once have been ) -our living room is 7m long by 4 metres wide. my first question is how large can our balcony be assuming no problem? my second is, how likely are we to get de-listed if we apply for this given that our house is only actually 22 years old and my third is, if we do not apply for delisting, do we have a case that every one of the mews houses is different - ie. no uniformity ( some with windows in every aspect, some with modern windows, some with archways etc) this last point is particularly relevant in as much that all i have seen is people with money getting anything and everything passed ( to our right i the house has been given over to a consultant's surgery and to our left a gym and tv room!) any advice so so welcome, thanks in anticipation, cathy
this last point is particularly relevant in as much that all i have seen is people with money getting anything and everything passed ( to our right i the house has been given over to a consultant's surgery and to our left a gym and tv room!) any advice so so welcome, thanks in anticipation, cathy
Do you need to know how much to offer as a backhander Cathy?

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