I had my house rewired by a friend who is an electrician of many years. He did the whole house over a period of time, as we decorated each room, and completed the job over the period of about a year.
I am now about to sell my house and have no certificate for the work and wonder what problems this may cause? I have every faith that the job has been done to a good standard but am wondering if I can/need to do anything regarding this, will this be a problem?
Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated.
I had my house rewired by a friend who is an electrician of many years. He did the whole house over a period of time, as we decorated each room, and completed the job over the period of about a year.
I am now about to sell my house and have no certificate for the work and wonder what problems this may cause? I have every faith that the job has been done to a good standard but am wondering if I can/need to do anything regarding this, will this be a problem?
Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated.