Hi, I have a hard standing next to my house and want to put a workshop there: maximum size possible. A lean-to is not an option as I'm building under permitted development regulations. Is there a minimum distance I should leave between the shed wall and the house wall? My worry is that with limited air circulation I may cause damp problems in the house wall? Is this the case? My plan is a construction with timber frame on a damp-proofed concrete base, with PVC shiplap so I don't need to worry about maintenance in a restricted space. The workshop will be insulated and have a flat sloping roof with gutter only on one edge. Will this work or is there a more sensible option for the building material? I've seen lean-to brick extensions built very close together on the back of terraced houses just 100-200mmm gap. Is this an acceptable limit for all buildings or do both buildings have to be brick for this to work? Any advice on construction techniques in restricted spaces would be a great help.