How do I speak to the Moderator????



Anyone help me here, I feel like Patrick McGoohan in `The Prisoner`..


see 13
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He's watching you all the time. :LOL: :LOL:

or click on alert moderator
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I`ve done that, he or she is just ignoring me. I`m being bloody victimised & censored here, people are giving me terrible abuse & these people are nowhere to be found.
Be honest.. that was CLASS ACTING DUDES!!!... Whatdyareckon?.. nice touch with the bob dole routine... unfortunately, you couldn`t spell or type with the same aggression..Do I win five pounds?? :LOL:
traineegasman said:
Be honest.. that was CLASS ACTING DUDES!!!... Whatdyareckon?.. nice touch with the bob dole routine... unfortunately, you couldn`t spell or type with the same aggression..Do I win five pounds?? :LOL:

Its called attitude trainee, if you get banned it will be your own fault.

read your last post and tell me it's not intended to antagonise
NO, DIA, not meant to antagonise at all? can`t really understand where you are coming from, & you can`t understand me, obviously. I`m from Liverpool mate, tough as old boots, everything is funny, don`t take life too seriously, you may think that`s dis-respect , I was born in the Emerald Isle, my grandfather made illegal hooch out in the woods. If you think there is no room on your snooty site for people like me then fine. I hope the people who allow the likes of me to contribute to this site will do so, & not have their agenda dictated to by the likes of you, & the forum will be a lot richer....I used to be a gypsy .... :LOL: :LOL:
traineegasman said:
NO, DIA, not meant to antagonise at all? can`t really understand where you are coming from, & you can`t understand me, obviously. I`m from Liverpool mate, tough as old boots, everything is funny, don`t take life too seriously, you may think that`s dis-respect , I was born in the Emerald Isle, my grandfather made illegal hooch out in the woods. If you think there is no room on your snooty site for people like me then fine. I hope the people who allow the likes of me to contribute to this site will do so, & not have their agenda dictated to by the likes of you, & the forum will be a lot richer....I used to be a gypsy .... :LOL: :LOL:

Ask your self this question then.

How come we don't have problems with other posters, the guys on here are as good as they get, you **** them off big time so what do you expect.
No my friend, YOU ask YOURSELF this. I don`t have a problem chatting away, with people in general, blah de blah. UNFORTUNATELY FOR YOU, & the rest of your friends, you seem to think that you`re SAVING LIVES! GODLIKE ! NO LESS. Let`s face it you`re a glorified plumber, & if someone like me comes on the forum & pricks your balloon of pomposity & snobbery it ****es you right off.
I see from your non response that you are not man enough to respond. If you are that fantastic & clever, how come you all s**t yourselves when it comes to talking about subjects outside your field? I`ve been lectured by your crew about the values of social graces. None of you seem capable of performing outside of the parameters of your little computer screen.
traineegasman said:
You`re not a doctor`saving the world

Don't think this is generally in the job description of a doctor.....lives yes, the world.....atm, no. ;)
If you want a verbal punch up, I am more than capable than you, that includes you Oilski, I don`t have a problem with you disagreeing with my views, I do have a problem with you telling me what my views should be in order to conform to the harmony of `your site`. Everyone is allowed an opinion. You have the choice to agree or not, as for p******g off the regular members of the forum..Good.. that can only be a good thing..It`s called free speech...
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