Huundai i20 low tick over

17 Apr 2007
Reaction score
United Kingdom
2009 1.4 petrol

Had a drive of it today and the needle was hovering at about 700rpm on tick over.

Is this standard for an i20 or is there a sensor at fault giving the ecu duff info?

I'd expect about the idle to be about 800/850 rpm.
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Unfortunately the tickover isn't adjustable as its controlled by the ECU. If the tickover is stable then no worries, but do the service basics like spark plug and air filter replacement to keep it that way.
The tickover should be somewhat higher of course when the engine is cold, dropping very quickly to normal. Ensure you are able to start the car from stone cold! This rules out misbehaving sensors if all is well.
John :)
Thanks John!

Apart from the low tick over, all is well. My sister who owns the car, hadn't noticed anything wrong.

Its due a service in shortly so will give the plugs and filter some attention.
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FWIW, my 2015 1.6 petrol Cee'd idles at under 750rpm (on rev-counter) when hot. Thus, I would suggest 700 rpm for the i20 should be fine provided that it is a nice, even tickover.