Because every time i apply for a job they are job agencies and when i ring them up they ask for my c.v then they tell me they will get back to me so i decided to go to the job centre and looked at the jobs on there computer and saw a few jobs and rang them up they turned out to be the same job agenciey i applied for last week but a different job so i rang them up they said hello i said i am applying for for thre job you are advertising in the job centre they told me can you send in your c.v i said you have already got it they said ok thanks they asked my name then they hung up the phone just before saying we will get back to you ,so i rang up the job centre and they said they will send me a form wich i need to fill in which will be sent of to london because they say at the mo there is a lot of corruption going on and they need as many people as possible to complain about it to stop these agencies from getting data to supply there own ends so i can now see whats really going on has just as i suspected ...........CORUPPTION.............[/b]
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what type of work are you in construction , white coller ...?

I know agencies are SCUM but many firms now "only employ" through them as they can finish you tomorrow with no come back ...an pay the agency the extra as the old 1930s depression era ganger/gangmaster ...
Moz said:

what type of work are you in construction , white coller ...?

I know agencies are SCUM but many firms now "only employ" through them as they can finish you tomorrow with no come back ...an pay the agency the extra as the old 1930s depression era ganger/gangmaster ...

i am in their biggest corruptive business of them all the gas industry
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BOB, I hope your CV is better puncuated than your posts on here, if not that is likely to be the reason why they do not phone you back.

If your in the Gas Industry, try this..


Yes they may be agencies using the site, but then this is likely to be the only way you can get hold of information about such jobs...viscious circle I'm afraid.
Oil industry= viscous circle..............VICIOUS circle= anus with teeth :LOL:
FWL_Engineer said:
BOB, I hope your CV is better puncuated than your posts on here, if not that is likely to be the reason why they do not phone you back.

If your in the Gas Industry, try this..


Yes they may be agencies using the site, but then this is likely to be the only way you can get hold of information about such jobs...viscious circle I'm afraid.
You`re...vicious..... :LOL: :LOL: POT Black Kettle ;)
what about all them oil jobs offshore in the back of papers , mind you have to send them £50 up front to get in the "pool" system ... what an utter con like the homeworkers scam ,lol
Moz said:
what about all them oil jobs offshore in the back of papers , mind you have to send them £50 up front to get in the "pool" system ... what an utter con like the homeworkers scam ,lol

ITS dog eat dog days rob the grannys im thinking of getting a white stick and some dark glasses and a labradour and go collecting outside tescos
Moz said:
what about all them oil jobs offshore in the back of papers , mind you have to send them £50 up front to get in the "pool" system ... what an utter con like the homeworkers scam ,lol
Not off OUR shores anymore :eek: Fri*gin N.Sea oil`s run out and we`re after Russia`s now :LOL: Good job the Cold War`s over

from a couple of lads last night in the boozer .... you could be a star like them .. lol ,

you advertise massive , a scam ... an recieve the rewards an vanish ...

you set up a company at Companies House
"Jolly Roger Enterprises "

you inform Tax man ...

Next you enquire the areas press about half page adverts ... on phone

you have a business mail address/drop at the "Nigerian" property ,where earlier in a very upmarket area you leased a flat , for 6months , you get 4months deposit off the Nigerian

who piles his clan in .. VERy HAPPY BUTCHERING GOATS >>lol
this pays the estate agent for the 1st month rent /deposit is on the nigerians card number ,you take if problems ...

....your card number is NEVER EVER CHECKEd on a security ,

you get adverts small at 1st,

an use bounce checks ... as they newpapers use nearly 60 days with big advertisers , with you 30 days buy then you could be MUGGED/caught

but , as your advert has resulted in 50k in the 1st month
you pay the newspaper an blame accounts an triple the advert ...
sometimes you need a no-mark as a stool , the guy to hand the money over , again dead simple out side a UNI, "hey you you want to earn good money as a firms carrier ,?
Yeah ...next min they are your business face going into the newspapers as the company boy paying the bill ,BINGO ... !! !!

NOW you are a legit business an can get lots more then SPLIT /do one

can I just add I missed in the walkthrough that minor thing which just had my drinking partners 5/7 yrs in nick , so dont try it ...
its so obvious ... many great career minds forget about it an get stung ...
thats old lads
old sckool gangsters ...

this day E/Bay ...

kids can get 1mill an be let off by dibble ...

never trade online .. as you will get complacant an you will find your bank empty , an NOW BANKS are not accepting online fraud ..
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