I mean COME ON MAN!!!!

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2 Oct 2006
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United Kingdom
I'm having to say it AGAIN.... they're USELESS!!!! EFFING USELESS!

HOW can it take an hour and 20 minutes for a copper to realise this baby is still alive????? HOW??? WHY??? They just don't want to know. EVERYTHING is too much like hard bleeding work!!! I really am effing sick of reading about this bunch of lazy good for nothing bar-stewards!!!!! They don't give a flying f***!!!! I have no faith what so ever in the police. If I had to ring them for help in an emergency God help me!

Baby left in bag outside mosque dies after police took 80 MINUTES to spot he was still alive!

A baby abandoned on the steps of a mosque was left outside in the cold for 80 minutes by police officers who thought he was dead.

The boy was eventually spotted breathing as forensic officers investigated the scene where he was left in a carrier bag at the weekend.

He was taken to hospital where he died within the hour.

Witnesses told how the area was cordoned off and a white tent put up around the infant after police arrived at 10.30am on Saturday.

Shouts for an ambulance were heard around midday before the child was taken away in a police car.

By then, Staffordshire police had released a statement saying that a 'body' had been discovered at the Makki Masjid mosque in Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent.

Minutes after it was discovered the baby was still alive, an updated statement was issued to say a 'small baby' had been found and taken to hospital.

The baby died at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire at 12.30pm.

Staffordshire police have referred the incident to the Independent Police Complaints Commission which was yesterday investigating how officers could have failed to spot the child breathing.

It is understood a note found with the child read 'Please bury him' and contained two £10 notes.

Student Tarley Richardson, 24, said: 'The police got there at around 10.30am and started taking pictures and going about their business.

'There were what appeared to be forensics cops there, and they put a tent over the baby's body.

'But at about 11.50am, I heard someone shout: "Get an ambulance!" Suddenly police started moving cars. But before the ambulance got here, they bundled up the baby, put it in a police car and drove off.'

The child was found abandoned in temperatures of 5c (41f) by a teacher at the mosque's Saturday school.

Detective Chief Inspector Phil Bladen, of Staffordshire police, said the baby's death was being treated as unexplained.

The force refused to comment on its initial response to the baby's discovery.
'There were what appeared to be forensics cops there, and they put a tent over the baby's body.Very reassuring!!! :rolleyes:

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Should we not be blaming the person who left this baby on the steps in a carrier bag though? I have read of cases where a person has been that cold , they had all but stopped breathing and even doctors could not sya whether they were dead or alive.
Is it ok to apportion blame unnecessarily? The police and others seem to take the blame for far too much these days.
Feral youths running wild, blame the police, social workers , the council.. Blame anyone but the youths or their parents , seems to be the norm nowadays.
Should we not be blaming the person who left this baby on the steps in a carrier bag though? I have read of cases where a person has been that cold , they had all but stopped breathing and even doctors could not sya whether they were dead or alive.
Is it ok to apportion blame unnecessarily? The police and others seem to take the blame for far too much these days.
Feral youths running wild, blame the police, social workers , the council.. Blame anyone but the youths or their parents , seems to be the norm nowadays.
When and where did I blame the police for feral youths running wild? I'm all for blaming the 'feral youths' themselves and their parents. The problem is the police can't be bothered to react to these scum bags when a crime is committed. They're not willing and/or too afraid to enter a gipsy site to apprehend someone (a recent case posted here)! Well if you think that policing isn't for you... don't join up! You're no good to the police if you're not willing to actually pursue a criminal.

It's up to the police to give the public reassurance that they are available and do/will respond to crimes. I do not feel reassured that the police can and/or indeed are willing to react to certain reported crimes. I'll give them their due, they do seem willing to go racing down a motorway to catch a scum bag in a stolen car. But when someone enteres your shop/home/property and you try to protect yourself.... OH NO! We can't have that! Off to the police station with you me lad!!! :rolleyes:

Sorry John but there's just been quite a few stories lately about their ineptitude and/or motivation to solve crimes. And as I've stated before, even though I know a few coppers.... I'm no more reassured!
probably pity the poor mother.

Might have been a 12-year old for all we know.
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I think the phrase is "Your not dead, until your warm and dead".

Tragedy all round one might say.
probably pity the poor mother.

Might have been a 12-year old for all we know.
The opening line from the quote refers to "a baby", so it seems fair to assume that he wasn't 12?

However, agree that one has to be concerned for the mother - it's hard for fathers but nowhere near the level of pain of a grieving mother.
probably pity the poor mother.

Might have been a 12-year old for all we know.
The opening line from the quote refers to "a baby", so it seems fair to assume that he wasn't 12?

However, agree that one has to be concerned for the mother - it's hard for fathers but nowhere near the level of pain of a grieving mother.

I think he was referring to the mother possibly being 12 ;)
The first cop on scene had no right to assume the baby was dead. s/he should have rushed it to the nearest hospital on blues a two's.

That copper should now be investigated for manslaughter.
The first cop on scene had no right to assume the baby was dead. s/he should have rushed it to the nearest hospital on blues a two's.

That copper should now be investigated for manslaughter.
In fairness, he probably had to spend the first 20 minutes filling in a form for vagrancy :confused:
It is understood a note found with the child read 'Please bury him' and contained two £10 notes.
In fairness to the police if they saw this first wouln't it have to be trated as a crime scene first and foremost,and how quick would a doctor be on the scene to confirm the death or in this case the babe was still alive.
Sory if I upset you Blasphemous but I quote yo in the OP
"HOW can it take an hour and 20 minutes for a copper to realise this baby is still alive????? HOW??? WHY??? They just don't want to know. EVERYTHING is too much like hard bleeding work!!! I really am effing sick of reading about this bunch of lazy good for nothing bar-stewards!!!!! They don't give a flying f***!!!! I have no faith what so ever in the police. If I had to ring them for help in an emergency God help me!

It really does seem like your blaming the police for this tragedy. All I'm pointing out us the fact that there is only one person to blame for this, and that's the heartless person that left the baby in a carrier bag.
Perhaps I was over generalising about the feral youths, but I stand by what I have said.
People these days are far to ready to blame others for almost anything.
It's not just this case, there have been others recently where the public role of the police, social services, local councils etc etc have been questioned. Yes perhaps more could have been done , but what?
Are you going to insist that every policeman in the country should now have medical training to determine whether someone is dead or not?
As I have stated, there have been cases in the recent past where someone has been declared dead by a doctor only to regain conciousness later on. If doctors can make these mistakes then it's more than reasonable for a layman to make the same mistake.
Just been reported on bbc news that the people who run the mosque found the baby and called the police.

All I would say is would any civilised human being finding a baby on their doorstep, LEAVE THE BABY ON THE DOORSTEP IN THE COLD, close the door and call the police.


I wonder if the baby was white or asian in appearance - no prizes for correct answers.
Just been reported on bbc news that the people who run the mosque found the baby and called the police.

All I would say is would any civilised human being finding a baby on their doorstep, LEAVE THE BABY ON THE DOORSTEP IN THE COLD, close the door and call the police.


I wonder if the baby was white or asian in appearance - no prizes for correct answers.
Not sure I get your point about the colour of the child.

Given the way that dibble like to jump to all sorts of conclusions, plus the questionable act of disturbing a crime scene, are you sure you would pick the baby up (a suspected corpse) and take him/her inside your house? You see, as inhumane as it may sound, I'm not sure I would want a dead body in my house and have to explain how it got there.
Sory if I upset you Blasphemous but I quote yo in the OP
"HOW can it take an hour and 20 minutes for a copper to realise this baby is still alive????? HOW??? WHY??? They just don't want to know. EVERYTHING is too much like hard bleeding work!!! I really am effing sick of reading about this bunch of lazy good for nothing bar-stewards!!!!! They don't give a flying f***!!!! I have no faith what so ever in the police. If I had to ring them for help in an emergency God help me!

It really does seem like your blaming the police for this tragedy. All I'm pointing out us the fact that there is only one person to blame for this, and that's the heartless person that left the baby in a carrier bag.
Perhaps I was over generalising about the feral youths, but I stand by what I have said.
People these days are far to ready to blame others for almost anything.
It's not just this case, there have been others recently where the public role of the police, social services, local councils etc etc have been questioned. Yes perhaps more could have been done , but what?
Are you going to insist that every policeman in the country should now have medical training to determine whether someone is dead or not?
As I have stated, there have been cases in the recent past where someone has been declared dead by a doctor only to regain conciousness later on. If doctors can make these mistakes then it's more than reasonable for a layman to make the same mistake.
You didn't upset me John the ineptitude of the police upset me. But I to stand by what I said in my reply to you....

When and where did I blame the police for feral youths running wild? I'm all for blaming the 'feral youths' themselves and their parents. The problem is the police can't be bothered to react to these scum bags when a crime is committed. They're not willing and/or too afraid to enter a gipsy site to apprehend someone (a recent case posted here)! Well if you think that policing isn't for you... don't join up! You're no good to the police if you're not willing to actually pursue a criminal.

I didn't 'blame' the police for feral youths, I do see 'blame' in this case however. Yes I take you're argument that the first person who let the child down was the mother (I assume it was the mother who left it there). I also take holmslaw's point, why wasn't the baby taken in by people at the mosque? Perhaps they were told not to touch anything until plod arrived? I don't know. But I do know that once plod got there, they should have rushed that child straight off to casualty as they did once they discovered the baby was still alive.

But at about 11.50am, I heard someone shout: "Get an ambulance!" Suddenly police started moving cars. But before the ambulance got here, they bundled up the baby, put it in a police car and drove off.'

So I think the argument of 'not wanting to disturb a crime scene' goes out the window.
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