I Pods.

30 Jun 2008
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United Kingdom
Do they still sell the I-Pods you could get years ago, (the little square things you tucked in your top pocket), or are these gizmo's now linked through your 'smart' phone? Just looking for something simple that will store hundreds of tunes/songs that I can access through a click of a button.
Not really au fait with these things that you have to swipe/ click, slide and then press just to listen to a song.
I'm old school. Press the 'Play' button then the skip button to get to the next song/choose a different song.
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They are available every where, try E-bay.

Must say though, I tunes is one of the worst pieces of software I have had the misfortune to navigate.
When you consider how large this market sector once was...
...here is the current selection from Argos:


Plenty are around on Amazon, eBay etc, but they are a dieing breed - everyone streams on their phone these days! :)
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I bought a new one maybe 8 or so ago and was surprised how much they'd gone up in price but that said, on the later ones you could browse the web etc. I haven't used I tunes for a few years now. Got spotify on the phone and laptop, youtube is great, recently bought a new cd player and a record deck after discovering they have built in pre amp and bluetooth.
I only dig out the Ipod for long car journeys now, got a nice playlist on it.