If at first you do not succeed...

24 Sep 2005
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United Kingdom
July 10 said:
...More than 11,000 British jobs were under threat last night after the Pentagon tore up the world's biggest defence contract to allow an American company to rebid.

Airbus stands to lose an £18 billion contract to build tankers for the US Air Force, awarded only four months ago, after aggressive lobbying by US politicians, including the presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama.

Up to 14,000 other jobs are threatened by the move, mainly in the US, France and Germany...

How about using - Iraq.... The tanker contract binds or we walk deal or no deal??
Brown should recruit Noel, he'll sort it.

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Just a sign of the times. The giant is falling.
Is that one of those contracts negotiated through FIFA? ;)
This is commonplace on large contracts ... Protect your own resources ... What's wrong with that?

Nobody seems to mind that Rolls Royce supply the engines for British fighters despite engines from the US being cheaper :LOL:

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This is commonplace on large contracts ... Protect your own resources ... What's wrong with that?

Nobody seems to mind that Rolls Royce supply the engines for British fighters despite engines from the US being cheaper :LOL:


How Quickly they forget What happened to lend lease? WE want out firearms BACK
You've had your final instalment on that. We paid handsomely for the use of the stuff.
You've had your final instalment on that. We paid handsomely for the use of the stuff.

Oh my then both of us have been lied to as my government said the British stiffed us and we had a tax increase to pay for the firearms etc that were never returned

Do you think possibly the politicians pinched the loot and to cover up their crimes they hit us on both sides of the pond with tax increases never realizing the Internet made the world a much smaller place

Where did the arms and tax money go?
This is commonplace on large contracts ... Protect your own resources ... What's wrong with that?

Nobody seems to mind that Rolls Royce supply the engines for British fighters despite engines from the US being cheaper :LOL:


How Quickly they forget What happened to lend lease? WE want out firearms BACK

Check your facts, you have been repaid and with a profit to boot now b***** off and sort your own problems out,

UK settles WWII debts to allies

Britain needed money for reconstruction and importing food
Britain will settle its World War II debts to the US and Canada when it pays two final instalments before the close of 2006, the Treasury has said.
The payments of $83.25m (£42.5m) to the US and US$22.7m (£11.6m) to Canada are the last of 50 instalments since 1950.

The amount paid back is nearly double that loaned in 1945 and 1946. "This week we finally honour in full our commitments to the US and Canada for the support they gave us 60 years ago," said Treasury Minister Ed Balls.

"It was vital support which helped Britain defeat Nazi Germany and secure peace and prosperity in the post-war period. We honour our commitments to them now as they honoured their commitments to us all those years ago," he added.

The last payments will be made on Friday, the final working day of the year.

Do I detect signs of a weakening of our hands across the Atlantic friendship :LOL:
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