If this forum were 'The Apprentice'.

28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
If this forum were 'The Apprentice' - who would you 'fire' first based on how you think you could work with them?

My vote goes to Megawatt for being totally unable to see anyone's point of view other than his own. Troublemaker.

Not only that, his wife's a GP so he doesn't need the money. :LOL:

Who would you point the finger at and say "You're fired'?
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Bet I get voted off by just about everybody. :LOL:

Pity really, I was always considered good fun at work.
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My vote goes to Softus, on the basis that nothing would ever get done because of his continual discussions about the merits of the project and his refusal to accept the instructions of his betters ;) ;)
No I got the sack for 'dead boring'. ;)
'tis a difficult one this. :confused:

even the negative posters have a place on a forum because they provide argument or serve to make positive posters seem even better.

it would be the banal, dull, middle-of-the-road posters that need booting off.

Goodbye. :(
The mods, cos they spoil all the fun.
has anyone considered we have no canditates showing anykind of worth?

i think you are wrong.
i would hire megawatt. His political correctness would guarantee him a good career in any firm.
I would also hire him as a producer in big brother, since they seem to dervie great pleasure in selecting asylum seekers to stick in the big brother house. Two of them up for eviction this week, big brother turning racist me thinks.
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