if you could be granted 3 home improvement wishes to your home what would they be?

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I feel an argument coming.
I'll start.
Is a new carpet classed as home improvement project?
Does it qualify for a grant?
Do any of them qualify for a grant?
A smaller paddock, a few less bedrooms, a hard standing around the tennis court and the swimming pool filled in.
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Alien spaceship landing pad, hangar for alien spaceships, 28 000 very tall fencing panels.
A bigger garage, so I would have enough space around my car to be able to work on it indoors. It's fine for a more modest car, but this one I have to park out on the drive, to do many things.
Replacement Thatch Roof , thatch is a green element with the Governments policy on bringing Green energy saving why am I penalised and have to pay an exorbitant cost to reroof my property every 15 /20 years .
How much does that cost and what happens to it that calls for it to be done away with after 15 /20 years.
Surprised at the short time span.
Replacement Thatch Roof , thatch is a green element with the Governments policy on bringing Green energy saving why am I penalised and have to pay an exorbitant cost to reroof my property every 15 /20 years .
And high house insurance costs I would guess
Surprised at the short time span.
Me too. The straw thatch was about 30 years old when I bought the cottage in 2011, rain proof but a looking a bit sad. Re thatched in 2016 and the thatcher said it should be good for another 30 years.

If the conservation officer had allowed it then I would have had reed instead of straw as reed has a 60 year life.
Me too. The straw thatch was about 30 years old when I bought the cottage in 2011, rain proof but a looking a bit sad. Re thatched in 2016 and the thatcher said it should be good for another 30 years.

If the conservation officer had allowed it then I would have had reed instead of straw as reed has a 60 year life.
Ask His Lardship for a bushel or two from the reed beds surrounding his extensive lakes next to the woodlands: i'm sure he'd be happy to help should your cap be suitably doffed.:mrgreen:
Me too. The straw thatch was about 30 years old when I bought the cottage in 2011, rain proof but a looking a bit sad. Re thatched in 2016 and the thatcher said it should be good for another 30 years.

If the conservation officer had allowed it then I would have had reed instead of straw as reed has a 60 year life.
Given the differences, economically & realistically, it might have paid you to employ a legal pro to fight for the change.
it might have paid you to employ a legal pro to fight for the change.
The building fronts a busy main road which meant there was a 6 week time slot and had we missed that due to legal action delays then the work would have had to wait another year.
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