so there are some of you out there with ignition lockout problems on your baxi barcelona condansing boilers! i am a heating installer and i fitted about 20 of these beasts over a 12 month period about 3 years ago, thinking it would enhance my position as a modern thinking progressive engineer, committed to saving my customers money on running costs. i must say that every single customer has had greatly reduced gas bills, partly due to the efficiency of the unit........when working...., but also to the time the boilers have been inactive due to ignition lockout! i have had numerous call outs on every single boiler that i have installed and about half a dozen that have been installed by other companies. i have spent hours on the phone to baxi who have assured me that ther is no problem with the design or manufacture of these boilers. i have changed many ignition probes, ignition p.c.b's and have had baxi engineer visits when problems have arisen within the first year. i am currently dealing with a 3 year old boiler that i have viseted about 15 times and also had baxi out twice...... YOU ARE NOT ALONE