IHPE forum - what gives?!

1 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
the IPHE public chat seems to be disabled, presumably because of some profanity the other day. I saw the word used and it was hardly shocking in this day and age!

Those folks at the IPHE seem to get wound up like a spring over the slightest thing and the forum is jealously patrolled by extremely pedantic people (pedanticvindictiveman excused!). They need to chillout and take some happy pills! :confused:
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The IPHE site is not for slanging matches, this goes on to much in other forums, but it will not be tolerated on the IPHE web site and I agree, it is a site for professional plumbers and heating installers.
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I assume you are joking kevplumb, by the smileys, but this is sometimes where things go pair shapped, people misinterpret the post and reply with an insult, you then react to the insult with an insult and off everyone goes on a tangent, I have merely voiced my oppinion on the IPHE matter I do not expect to have people laying in to me because of it, we are adults, aren't we.
I don't go there much, but have heard that the guy who caused the problem was one of their senior plumbing inspectors. Ooops.

Always thought the iop/iphe had exaggerated views of its own importance. Seems to think it's a Professional Institute. It isn't, it's a charity set up by self-appointed worthies. Has no teeth, any oily rag who's done an evening class can join and get letters after his name. If I join it'll be for the cheap insurance.

I got the site shut down once before. Some of the stuff profligated at the time by self-appointed "engineers" was drivel, and I was blunt about it. They didn't like it, and shut up shop for a couple of months, I think it was.
Sounds like a WRVS meeting place were people like to throw dummies out of prams a lot to me...

I do find the above post interesting though..:D
i agree with chris r the site is pompous and patronising and no i would not consider joinning as i have worked for companies in the past and fair to say some of their members talk a good job but have very little success in reaching their goal.this remark is not a genralisation but an opinion formed on previous experience :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
dia of course the comment excludes you and the helpful ones but there is an element of superiority and pomposity involved in a lot of replies because people are not registered with them :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
of course it doesnt refer to you kev.....who would ever refer to you as professional!! ;)
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