I'm a celebrity



Have any of you been watching this years show

Any ideas who'll win?

I like Carol Thatcher - cos she's up for anything and takes it all in her stride.........did you see her eating those bugs last night.........did you also see her having a wee beside her bed on the first night!! :LOL: :LOL:

Not really sure about them bringing in Canon & Ball though!
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JulieL said:
Have any of you been watching this years show

Any ideas who'll win?

I like Carol Thatcher - cos she's up for anything and takes it all in her stride.........did you see her eating those bugs last night.........did you also see her having a wee beside her bed on the first night!! :LOL: :LOL:
Not really sure about them bringing in Canon & Ball though!
sounds like riveting viewing :LOL:
Being something of an insomniac I watched it in the middle of the night.

I've never watched one of these fly on the wall things before and all I saw was a group of (mostly) unknown people talking rubbish.

Is that really supposed to be entertainment?

It was about as interesting as an airport departure lounge.

Why don't you people watch something educational for a change?

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Well, you did look at it, I haven't so where does that leave you? :D :D :D
WoodYouLike said:
Well, you did look at it, I haven't so where does that leave you? :D :D :D

Wide awake in the middle of the night.
First series - good fun!

Second series - ok

This series - done to death now, same ole tasks, same ole moans and groans, YAAWWWNNN.
joe-90 said:
That's why I'm so well informed on all subjects.

Personally, I wouldn't put too much confidence in any information gained from the TV, internet etc - whilst there maybe some factual basis probably only half of it is totally genuinely truthful.

By the way, if we all only watched educational programmes we would probably become pretty boring people........sometimes watching comedy, drama and yes occasional reality TV programmes can provide for some the essential 'chill out' for the stresses of coping with general life.
JulieL said:
joe-90 said:
That's why I'm so well informed on all subjects.

Personally, I wouldn't put too much confidence in any information gained from the TV, internet etc - whilst there maybe some factual basis probably only half of it is totally genuinely truthful.

Where do you get get your info from then?

When does the 'celebrity turn up?

Im just waiting for Cannon an Ball to strat the god bothering stuff. :rolleyes:
JulieL said:
By the way, if we all only watched educational programmes we would probably become pretty boring people........sometimes watching comedy, drama and yes occasional reality TV programmes can provide for some the essential 'chill out' for the stresses of coping with general life.

I got Sky for two reasons: the documentary channels and the cartoon channels... Wonder what the Sky marketing boys would make of that? :LOL: TV is my main "suspension of reality"... I watch a lot of films but my attention span is far too short to prevent hitting the pause button and doing something else for a while. 34 minutes is my maximum length of concentration on one task (you might think I sit on here for hours, but I often get up halfway through writing a post :LOL: )

As to reading, I got bored of fiction at a young age. I occasionally read a real cracker of a fictional book (probably one a year), but more often read textbooks :eek: My last book was all about communication protocol design :LOL: When I was 11 we inherited a full set of the Encyclopaedia Britannica and that made up a large portion of my reading for the next few years.

So, whilst I share Joe's love of factual intake there is the old saying "All work and no play makes..."

I'm bored now. I want to do something else. :LOL:
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