I'm alright Jack

Fred the Shred is a money-grabbing thieving git devoid of any principles

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 72.7%
  • No

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • I don't care as I'm his wife and one day it will all be mine :0)

    Votes: 5 15.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I don't care what he gets. What SHOULD happen is that a massive tax hike is levied from the rich - what they used to call Super-tax in the old days. Then they can earn what they like.
I don't care what he gets. What SHOULD happen is that a massive tax hike is levied from the rich - what they used to call Super-tax in the old days. Then they can earn what they like.

and watch 'em go............abroad.
Let them go.

Super tax didn't stop George Harrison and co getting very rich did it?

They paid 96p in the £ tax.
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I always seem to agree with Joe! :oops:

There is no need for people (especially footballers who are overpaid jack asses ) :evil: to earn thousands every week while others have to graft to pick up a few hundred. :(
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Fred? Not just an author

In early 2005 he said ...
...Want to get rid of boom and bust? Tax land, not income...

An influence - Henry George, allegedly, ...During his lifetime, he became the third most famous man in the United States, only surpassed in public acclaim by Thomas Edison and Mark Twain...
Online book (ic. audio) Progress and Poverty

Well, it's £693,000 a year if he retires now, but with inflation of 3% that's only worth £160,000 a year in today's money when he reaches 100 years old. 100 year old people have expensive tastes and are always going out clubbing and stuff.

I mean, what if he takes up the hobby of buying masterpiece paintings and dawdling willies, moustaches and speech bubbles all over them like boys do on textbooks at school? That £693000 will barely by one painting a year! Not much of a hobby when you're doing it once a year, is it? :LOL:

I think he was very silly not to have it written up as legally binding (silly Freddy!). Whether or not it is a moral amount of money is not the issue. I can't get a plumber in to replace my central heating, then say "I know you quoted me £1000 in labour charges, but I'm poorer than I was last week so now you only get £200."

The only problem I have is that people are getting screwed on their pensions left right and centre. He's just one more person in that situation and appears to be just as entitled to his £693,000 a year than other people are to their £2.34 a week or whatever the pitiful pension amount one receives is now.
regardless of the rates of tax applied.

in the states the FBI is investigating trying to find the chiseling culprits.

what are we doing? :rolleyes:
I can't get my head around how we,joe public, can give the banks anymore money when they have already got all we have/had! :eek: :rolleyes:
Simple. We buy Chinese goods. The average Chinese worker banks half his wages. The Chinese bank then gives us cheap loans so we can buy more cheap Chinese goods. The worker that produced the goods banks half of what he is paid for producing them. The Chinese banks then lend us more money to buy their cheap goods - and so it goes on. The economics of madness.
Isn't a pension by nature deferred earnings so technically his already, and nobody elses to claim?

How would any of you feel if you spent years at a company, admittedly F'ed something up and were fired, but then had your pension seized? Would you like to set a precedent for such? of course, it's not "right" that someone who f'ed up so badly should live in luxury for the rest of his days on the back of and in spite of his mistakes, but neither is two wrongs...

Like said elsewhere this has got more to do with governmental muck slinging/scapegoating to detract the fact they rode the wave of this irresponsibility and did nothing at all to prevent the inevitable.
Sir Fred is just a manifestation of all of ourselves and the current obsession with money, status, greed designer lives and celebrity.

He has negotiated a bonus - something which the majority of us would do in our respective lives - whether it was with our bosses to justify the annual pay rise, or scouring the DHSS pamphlets for what we can claim from the state. We all look after number one

Most people are only jealous of Sir Fred's wealth and position. Look around all the failed businesses and you will see a grab for cash - even to the extent of the vultures who would push and shove to pick over the bones of the likes of Woolworths, but would not be so supportive when the business needed it

TBH, all of the people who have put up with grossly overpaid people ..... gone to see the footballers, paid inflated prices for concert tickets, bought the celebrity mags, phoned in the votes to the premium lines, lusted after the designer lifestyle, bought little Chardoney a pair of £100 socks etc etc.... all deserve a damn good kicking, and a taste of poverty.

Then perhaps they would develop some brain cells and remember what really does and does not matter, and will in future not contribute in any way to the lifestyles of the "rich and famous"

Viva la Revolucion!
Surveyors are just as bad. Wandering around with a clipboard for 20 minutes and asking for a grand.
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