Can anyone tell me why income tax is so high.
when thatcher was gov there where 3,000,000 on the dole and income tax was 17%
But now they are claiming that there is just over a million and its 18%
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Tony's lust for war, Wasteful bureaucracy in the Civil Service, NHS and MoD, fiddling the unemployment stats by bumping them onto either incapacity benefits or sending them off to university, MP's salaries, the list goes on.......
allowing immigrants in. providing them with everything they need
It all goes on paying for people who can't be arsed to get a job and contribute to the economy. Makes me sick when I look at the deductions in my payslip.

Also - didn't Labour promise not to raise income and and hike up national insurance instead? Say effing thing! Lying toe rags......
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Since Tony came in we now have an additional 900,000 civil servants, so think about how much that costs in not just their salaries, but buildings, support services, index linked pensions etc. Assuming half of those are married'ish thats ANOTHER 1.35 million labour votes for the re-elected party, re-elected with less that 1/3 of the votes of the 22 million eligible.
Income tax isn't the half of it, council tax, road tax, 76%, yes, 76% tax on petrol with money that you've already been taxed on, beer, fags, VAT, rant, rant, rant. It's all their money its just an illusion that they let some of it pass through our hands on its way back to Gordon.
The number of civil servants is one of my pet hates :evil:

900,000 employees at a total cost of circa £40k each requires £36,000,000,000 each year.

I'm convinced the government/ civil service just grows and grows, and this growth is justified as being in the public interest of improving service, and the poor taxpayer has to fund it all.

I'm all for a re-evaluation of the 'services' the government provides with a view to a drastic slimming down.
I'm all for a re-evaluation of the 'services' the government provides with a view to a drastic slimming down.

This slimming down exercise will not be a trivial one. There'll have to be a whole new civil service department set up to deal with it ---

I agree that we have too many civil servants doing too many unnecessary jobs. I saw a small scale version of this kind of job two decades back when I was a lab technician at Newcastle Polytechnic (now Northumbria University). Somebody from 'admin' wanted me to count all the mains plugs on all the equipment in my labs. I did the count but asked the chief technician what was going on. The answer:

1) The previous year there had been a query in 'admin' as to why so many mains plugs had been bought by the department. (Admin people really ought to keep out of technical matters that they don't understand.)

2) In response to this the chief technician did a quick count of mains plugs and presented it back to admin. So far so good but ---

3) Somebody else saw the paperwork for all this and, without bothering to find out why, instigated an annual mains plug count.

You couldn't make it up if you tried!

Having said all that please don't take it out on those 900,000 individual civil servants. They took the jobs in good faith, probably leaving other jobs to do so and maybe moving house too. It's not their fault.
Double wammy on the 900.000, its no coincidence that as this figure grew, unemployment decreased, good ole Tone !
B.O.B DOLE said:
Can anyone tell me why income tax is so high.
when thatcher was gov there where 3,000,000 on the dole and income tax was 17%
But now they are claiming that there is just over a million and its 18%

Tis 10%, 22% and 40%, even got a 20% on savings unless paying on income at 40%.... Where, oh where do I get the 18%?
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
pna said:
The number of civil servants is one of my pet hates :evil:

900,000 employees at a total cost of circa £40k each requires £36,000,000,000 each year.

I'm convinced the government/ civil service just grows and grows, and this growth is justified as being in the public interest of improving service, and the poor taxpayer has to fund it all.

I'm all for a re-evaluation of the 'services' the government provides with a view to a drastic slimming down.

And when they retire if 'lifers', you will fund pensions between 50% and 66% of final salary oh, and probably three times that as a lump sum, extra oh! index linked of course.
Life expentancy, they say around mid eighties .. that is another 20 odd years of doing even less than they did before !
When HMG talk of not affording OAP, they keep quiet about the real drain and believe me, there are people getting a larger pension from middle ranking jobs than some earn working for themselves !!
Never mind yer GP is too posh to do call out - £100K per annum these days 9-5pm .... and stressed out ???
Sends you to hospital for a course of MRSA ...
:D :D :D :D :D
could it be we are rich nation ?

btw civil servants are not on a life job expectancy now ...they are 6month contracts an only the high are on more than £10 an hour in local govt , most are all on min wage below ..(as my C/S lady friend tells me here ,lol)
A rich nation endows it's people with feel good factors .. All you get here is layers of rules and regulations and cosying up to minority groups .. anti fox hunting for example .. Most of which no one understands or takes real notice of ...
And of course the ever present 'fear factor' terrorism, crime, disappearing transport, increasing council taxes and power bills .. same old sh ite we've been handed since the cold war ... A drab, grey, jam packed Island we call home... and it aint over yet !
Helped to mess up Africa, certainly Rhodesia .. look at the poor bu##ers, tis ok getting rid of the whites but they kept the place running .. step change again producing massive failure .. taper, taper is the name of the game .. even demanding 'time and thought' in the Euroland debacle now .. perhaps they are learning? Gonna have a job to talk their way around their continuing ignorance of the doings of the Bobby Mugabe regime tho' ...
:eek: :eek: :confused:
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