Out washmachine stopped working this morning.
The are no error messages on its LED. When i unplug it and plug back in the LED flashes for a second, after that nothing. (i tried to press all the buttons)
Whats strange, that when i unplug and plug back in immediately nothing happens.
If i unplug it and wait 10 mins and plug back in it flashes once.
I think somehow its program got confused, is there a way to perform a reset? Or anyone knows what is the cause of this problem?
Out washmachine stopped working this morning.
The are no error messages on its LED. When i unplug it and plug back in the LED flashes for a second, after that nothing. (i tried to press all the buttons)
Whats strange, that when i unplug and plug back in immediately nothing happens.
If i unplug it and wait 10 mins and plug back in it flashes once.
I think somehow its program got confused, is there a way to perform a reset? Or anyone knows what is the cause of this problem?