Indicator issues on SEAT Arosa S 52 plate

11 Feb 2014
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United Kingdom

I have an old Seat Arosa 52 plate, which after a few minor annoyances after purchase I have managed to put back together in a very pleasing fashion with a bit of help and she (Uma) drives very well.

After personally doing the brakes the engine management light came on and it was the lambda sensor.

Since then, especially when I first set off in the morning by indicators either don't work, or work sporadically at best. Sometimes they tick at a million miles an hour, sometimes not at all, sometimes they start, then stop.

Is this something as simple as a loose buld or do I have an issue?

A trifle worrying as my route to work is a succession of roundabouts and depend on Uma's mood I am a bit dangerous I reckon!

Advice por favor.
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Do Uma's hazard warning lights work OK? Are all the indicator & side repeater bulbs intact and screwed in properly?
Could be a loose connection at the flasher relay in the fusebox or at the switch in the steering column or a bad earth somewhere.

Edit: Use old fashioned hand signals around the roundabouts 'til you get it sorted ;) .
When your talking to Uma will you ask her, if the indicators only give trouble in one direction (side) or both directions? Yes as above, always good to button the hazard warning switch a few times to see if the indicators come back to life.
From what you describe, Uma might have a bad connection to one indicator bulb, causing the high flash rate sometimes? Leave the indicator switched on, with the fault present, then wiggle the wiring going to each bulb, you will see the indicators coming back to life, if you find the bad connection.

Keep an eye in the rear view mirror, when turning to the right with no indicators.
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