Inheritance tax ...

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Only people that won’t lose a 5hit load of money via it.

Work hard for a nice house. Die and the government take a slice.

That’s not fair is it.
There are loads of people who work hard but can’t afford a house.
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The more you earn, the more you get screwed.
Personal allowance - nope
Tax free pension contributions - just 10k
Care when you are old - you pay.
Live in the SE. And own a house - stiffed with stamp duty.

Tax isn’t proportional, so that you pay more as you earn more. No wonder people try find ways to reduce their bill.

I’m sure a few lefties will be along shortly moaning how little the wealthy pay and demanding they all chip in more.
Agree, re all of this, why is that if your hard work puts you in the 'fortunate' band you then lose your tax allowance as you say, it's outrageous.
Can anyone think of a single tax concession for people who support the economy and country? Ie people who contribute far more to the tax pot than they remove.
Anyone who amasses enough wealth to actually pay IHT (very few in fact) are extremely lucky. They haven't "earnt it". They have had "a leg up" at some point in their life. That could be simply be an inheritance from wealthy parents. Or maybe they were intelligent enough to enter a profession that pays well - and had a happy childhood which meant they didn't reach adulthood with mental damage which tends to wreck any career that might pay well.

So if I were facing paying IHT, I would firstly be very grateful to the country that had made that possible. And be very happy to pay a modest amount of that wealth back.
Agree, re all of this, why is that if your hard work puts you in the 'fortunate' band you then lose your tax allowance as you say, it's outrageous.
Can anyone think of a single tax concession for people who support the economy and country? Ie people who contribute far more to the tax pot than they remove.
I understand you, and others, want to pay less tax. We all do, but if we want to live in a decent society we all need to chip in, some more than others because of common sense. A decent society is worth paying for

But explain where you think the tax take should actually come from.
40% is not a modest amount of tax and the person who earned it, has already paid tax on the money.

There is no gratitude due to a country, they did not hand the wealth on a plate to the person.

There is nothing wrong with people who have been massive net contributors their entire life leaving some to their kids.

IHT should be linked to regional avg house prices.

Say 5x the avg for the county. You should also be able to pass your allowance on irrelevant of marital status. That way it’s fair.

If I had a terminal Illness the first thing I’d have to do is get married just to avoid 500k tax allowance going in the bin.
40% is not a modest amount of tax and the person who earned it, has already paid tax on the money.


And possibly not.

The person may not have earned it.

You are trying to invent false justifications as excuses for not paying tax.
Anyone who amasses enough wealth to actually pay IHT (very few in fact) are extremely lucky. They haven't "earnt it". They have had "a leg up" at some point in their life. That could be simply be an inheritance from wealthy parents. Or maybe they were intelligent enough to enter a profession that pays well - and had a happy childhood which meant they didn't reach adulthood with mental damage which tends to wreck any career that might pay well.

So if I were facing paying IHT, I would firstly be very grateful to the country that had made that possible. And be very happy to pay a modest amount of that wealth back.
What a load of ****e, and bloody insulting to those who’ve worked hard and done well. A post based on envy and a typical entitled, jealous, left wing view.

My father was the first person in his family to go to university (in the 60s when not many people did). He was the first person in his family that didn’t work in a factory. He lived in unheated lodgings at university as he had no parental support, and used to put newspaper inside his pyjamas to try and keep warm in the winter. He worked for peanuts as a trainee accountant and I barely saw him when I was young because of the hours he worked. Through sheer bloody hard work he worked his way up to become a partner in one of the big 4 accountancy firms, but died 6 months after retiring at 63.

When he died, he left enough money for my mother (who aged 78 still cares for my disabled brother) to live comfortably, and had invested cleverly so that when my mother dies there will be a significant inheritance tax bill chargeable on money that my father has already paid more than his share of income tax and capital gains tax on. That inheritance will go into trust to support my brother which has the further benefit of reducing the amount the state pays for his care.
Himmy and Johnny don’t want to hear that. They just want people with more money to pay for services they want to use for free.

It’s nice to see you family hasn’t moved your bothers assets out of reach so that the state pays.

You could set up a business, renting property, buy a house, rent it to your bother at below market rate and he’d be able to get full disability benefit, having no assets
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