Posted previously about treating gable end wall with Stormdry or similar to help minimise damage to bricks and ingress into the garage that abuts gable end wall. Water does get in the past roof as there is no cavity tray and difficult to remedy this as have blown-in insulation with no adhesive added so it's still loose.
A builder I know suggested this... "I was wondering whether injecting a dpc into the joint where the lead sticks out of wall would work, I know they do it for dpc levels to stop rising damp whether it works the other way and stops damp going down , just a thought."
I imagine that water runs down the inside of the brick in the cavity and would still come through, or am I wrong to think this?
A builder I know suggested this... "I was wondering whether injecting a dpc into the joint where the lead sticks out of wall would work, I know they do it for dpc levels to stop rising damp whether it works the other way and stops damp going down , just a thought."
I imagine that water runs down the inside of the brick in the cavity and would still come through, or am I wrong to think this?