We moved into our house in January of this year and the loft was fine at that point. Their is an upstairs shower room under an extension of the roof that has an inline extractor fan leading to the outside. Their is space to get into the new roof space where the extractor fan and a couple of down lighters are.
Around a month after we moved in the extractor fan packed in and because their was so much going on I never got around to fixing it. I have always noticed condensation on all the upstairs windows in the morning when we get up even before the extractor fan packed in.
Their has been no problems over the summer.
Since the cold weather has hit us I noticed the loft ceilings kind of damp in a few places and checked to see if their was any loose tiles - there do not seem to be any.
I have now fitted a new extractor fan which sooks out all the hot steam from the shower (even inside the old extractor fan where the wires went in it was pretty wet) and it is working fine.
However their must have been a lot of hot steam going up their and possible still some through the downlighters as their is no insulation over it.
So essentially is my problem still the condensation or something else?
An older women had the house before us who was not in a lot meanwhile we are a fully fledged family with washing and cooking on the go constantly.
Also my loft is fairly full of stuff and I notice the mould is worse around the areas with the most stuff but is certainly spread out across the whole roof space but just not as bad.
Many thanks[/img]
Around a month after we moved in the extractor fan packed in and because their was so much going on I never got around to fixing it. I have always noticed condensation on all the upstairs windows in the morning when we get up even before the extractor fan packed in.
Their has been no problems over the summer.
Since the cold weather has hit us I noticed the loft ceilings kind of damp in a few places and checked to see if their was any loose tiles - there do not seem to be any.
I have now fitted a new extractor fan which sooks out all the hot steam from the shower (even inside the old extractor fan where the wires went in it was pretty wet) and it is working fine.
However their must have been a lot of hot steam going up their and possible still some through the downlighters as their is no insulation over it.
So essentially is my problem still the condensation or something else?
An older women had the house before us who was not in a lot meanwhile we are a fully fledged family with washing and cooking on the go constantly.
Also my loft is fairly full of stuff and I notice the mould is worse around the areas with the most stuff but is certainly spread out across the whole roof space but just not as bad.
Many thanks[/img]