Is Ken Dodd getting any royalties?

25 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I've just read that "P Diddy", or "Puff Daddy" as those of us over the age of 20 would remember, is shortening his name to simply "Diddy". Apparently people at his concerts aren't sure whether to shout "P Diddy" or "Diddy"...

Well if he thinks HE has troubles, what about Prince during the "squiggle" phase?! :eek:
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AdamW said:
I've just read that "P Diddy", or "Puff Daddy" as those of us over the age of 20 would remember, is shortening his name to simply "Diddy". Apparently people at his concerts aren't sure whether to shout "P Diddy" or "Diddy"...

Well if he thinks HE has troubles, what about Prince during the "squiggle" phase?! :eek:

Ken only accepts cash--no cheques :LOL: :LOL:
Next time you're struggling with your tax form remember - he may seem like a harmless old comedian, of no threat to anyone without a weak bladder, but he was the one who invented self-assessment....
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ohmygodwhathaveyoudone said:
ken dodds dads dogs dead.say it fast. :LOL:
So`s his Dad, I would think..or is Ken :oops: :eek: still claiming his pension.
no matter that ,....

whats happened too them diddy people of the 70s ...

Thats what the authorities should be asking about all them lil peeps where are they , HHmm another Fred West case , I Bet
ken dodds dads dogs dead ken dodds dads dogs dead ken dodds dads dogs dead, easy!! :LOL:
"ken dodds dads dogs dead ken dodds dads dogs dead ken dodds dads dogs dead, easy!!"

as old bill BREAK the CODE

they go to Richardp,s back yard

His whole family(X )are recovered an bondaged an raped AGONY

in the trunk a far is a letter ...but SAS came for an shot dead THAT EVIl **** .....Richardp...

cue a story but in real life the SAS are not ...KILLERS ANGRY YOUNG MEN /WAITING TO KILL >RED MEAT MEAT ..
I guess you've had a beer or two tonight then moz, can you say it out loud?
ohmygodwhathaveyoudone said:
o.k. then say BILL ODDIE really fast over and over. :LOL:
piece of cake and four coffees.think about it.
...The near canal...the far canal :confused: Kinda ties in with the narrow boat theme.
Moz said:
"ken dodds dads dogs dead ken dodds dads dogs dead ken dodds dads dogs dead, easy!!"

as old bill BREAK the CODE

they go to Richardp,s back yard

His whole family(X )are recovered an bondaged an raped AGONY

in the trunk a far is a letter ...but SAS came for an shot dead THAT EVIl **** .....Richardp...

cue a story but in real life the SAS are not ...KILLERS ANGRY YOUNG MEN /WAITING TO KILL >RED MEAT MEAT ..

Umm! well I guess you would have me "His whole family(X )are recovered an bondaged an raped AGONY an shot dead " would this include extended members of my family? children babies unborn babies ?

Moz wrote: What really upset me more was the amount of abuse/hate we HAD TOO take....( Im having a few cans now to "chill out ")
If I wasnt with my father I am sure I would of "Snapped"an "BATTERED THEM!".....
On leaving the park an helping my father in the car ,he is part disabled through a stroke , he turned to me a red faced boiling point angry fellow ..
he said "Im Proud of you Son,for NOT rising to them idiots"
I replied "an Im very grateful to you dad for bringing me up right "

I wonder if he'd be proud to read all that ? bit over the top don't you think? it certainly upset me reading it.
Moz said:
"ken dodds dads dogs dead ken dodds dads dogs dead ken dodds dads dogs dead, easy!!"

as old bill BREAK the CODE

they go to Richardp,s back yard

His whole family(X )are recovered an bondaged an raped AGONY

in the trunk a far is a letter ...but SAS came for an shot dead THAT EVIl **** .....Richardp...

cue a story but in real life the SAS are not ...KILLERS ANGRY YOUNG MEN /WAITING TO KILL >RED MEAT MEAT ..


Anychance of posting that lot in English? :LOL:
I think its means he won'ts me and my family to die a horrible death after we've all been raped! but I had it coming to me cos I said he was a tawt !
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