Is my shower tray fault? Bump in middle of tray

21 Jul 2004
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United Kingdom
Hi all,

I've bought a 900*900 slim profile shower tray.

I was installing it over the weekend using a mini level to get it level across all four sides.

When I placed a level on one of the sides I noticed it was rocking. This was the same on all the sides.

If I push down on one side of the level there is a good 5-6mm gap on the other side. How am I supposed to level the tray if the edges are not level?

So I check the middle of the tray with the level and it appears there is a bump on the middle and the water runs towards the closest edge.

I dry fitted the tray and tested it with water. It appears the water flows to the closest edge then around and towards the drainage hole.

Is this normal? I was expecting a gradual slope in one direction towards the drainage hole.

Is it fault? Bad manufacturing that the edges are also not level?
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Hi mate,

Have not laid it down yet. I have dried fitted and packed out with wedges and tested the drainage.

The problem is when I was attempting to level it the edges themselves are not level. Put a level on each of the four edges and it rocks. Push down on one side and there is a 5mm gap one side.

Also I noticed when I poured water into the middle (after I had roughly levelled it best I could) that it flowed towards the closest edge then around the edge of the tray and into the drainage hole.

I want to know if this is normal, as previous tray water flowed in one direction, straight slope towards drainage hole.
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Thanks...Think I'll take it back..

Doesn't seem right. The edges aren't even level themselves so how am I supposed to level it!
Yes, I think taking it back is the best idea. Edges should be level or screen/door will not sit correctly.
I've always found shower trays to be a bit uneven and in really bad cases I have returned them.
Can you level it by laying the level parallel to the edge but just inside.
If you`re not happy it`s not acceptable .I`ve just done my bathroom - 3 new trays and 3 basins :eek: There is no quality control nowadays .they just pump the stuff out , the delivery clowns chuck it around in the lorries , and the counter monkeys just pass it to the customer
That looks fine to me, you will have a seal at the bottom of the door that will take up that small anomaly
you should be able to get he tray level around the perimeter and corner to corner. the shower screen instructions will tell you this. if you cant then the tray is warped. I have had it a few times.
At the end of the day it all boils down to how much you spent on the tray.

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