Tonight I had a high water usage alarm from my hive leak sensor, I also had one 4 days ago (at roughly the same time). I'm not convinced by these sensors, I believe they work by monitoring the temperature of the pipe so now the nights are getting a bit colder it could be causing spurious alarms.
I'm wondering though if there a way to 1st identify if there really is a leak? Can you install a flow meter in the pipework for example?
I've checked the (small number) of accessible places on my pipework and can't see any leaks, I don't want to start ripping up laminate flooring to look for a leak that isn't there
I'm wondering though if there a way to 1st identify if there really is a leak? Can you install a flow meter in the pipework for example?
I've checked the (small number) of accessible places on my pipework and can't see any leaks, I don't want to start ripping up laminate flooring to look for a leak that isn't there