Is this how a repair to roof felt should look?

15 Jan 2024
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United Kingdom
Is this how a repair to roof felt should look?
I'm in process of buying a house (first time buyer) I don't currently have access to the house as tenants still in property,surveyor has snapped some pictures through hatch, on looking at them, I have no idea if this is how they should look. it looks as if part of the felt has been nailed on to beams, why ? Is this a repair?


  • IMG-20250123-WA0003.jpg
    167.4 KB · Views: 77
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Have they put that white colour felt on the outside over the joists?
Can't repair felt from the inside.

The gray felt is the original damaged bit?
The whole attic has this black felt(with a couple of damaged areas . In the rest of the loft the felt looks original and it is underneath the beams except in two large panels, the felt appears to have been replaced from inside and is pulled tight and nailed to the beams, the nailed bit is in this photo, quite a large area is nailed, not sure if it's a repair , should felt be nailed to beams ? Is this a way a damaged area should be fixed?
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It's a messy repair. Original felt is 1f non breathable. The white you see is a breathable membrane .
Very few roofers would have any 1f in their vans these days

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