It only took 40 years...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
For the truth to out about another cover up/blaming lies scandal !

This time lies told about British troops...

Declassified documents have cleared an army regiment of any blame in the biggest loss of British life during the Falklands War.

"Forty-eight crew were killed when the Sir Galahad, an unarmed and undefended supply ship carrying British troops to the Falklands, was hit by Argentinian air force bombs on 8 June 1982.
Thirty-two Welsh Guards died in the attack, but the unit was blamed by some for disobeying orders to leave the boat, making it vulnerable to attack.
Secret files seen by the BBC have now exonerated the regiment and survivors say they now want to know why they were "abandoned" then "betrayed".

Andy Burnham got it spot on recently when he said:


"A “fundamental rewiring of the political system” was needed as too many people were being harmed (blood scandal) and then waiting decades for justice."

"Burnham, who also played a key role in uncovering the Hillsborough scandal, said there were similarities with that tragedy alongside the Grenfell Tower fire, the Post Office scandal, the Bloody Sunday killings and the nuclear test veterans’ fight for justice.

He said: “How is it that [so many] British citizens have been the victims of quite colossal injustice for decades and yet the state has just tried to push them into the wilderness?

“There’s a huge list. I think it goes to the heart of the way Britain is run. The system that we have hands too much power to the unelected state"

Nothing will change of course, because the undemocratic ruling system is devised to allow those guilty of corruption/lies/cover ups to get away with it!
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This contaminated blood scandal is an absolute disgrace . Far worst imo than this post office scandal ???
Regardless of the severity, the corrupt system is the same!

Justice delayed is justice denied!
the blood thing was on jeremy vine yesterday doctors experimenting on kids without parental knowledge , keeping it hidden for years absolute disgrace and people in here still say follow the science
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the blood thing was on jeremy vine yesterday doctors experimenting on kids without parental knowledge , keeping it hidden for years absolute disgrace and people in here still say follow the science
Sadly some people always behave like sheep when the 'experts' tell them what is 'good for them'...

History tells us that 'vested interests' don't care if it is bad for them!
It's not very often that smogg says something sensible...

"former Business Secretary Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg said, "If the state has killed people it has got to pay the price", and that the government "should not shy away from it being expensive".

He added that the scandal demonstrated a "defence mechanism within the institutions of the state which we need to break down".

"For some reason there is a desire to cover up the mistakes made by long since passed government to no benefit of anybody who is currently in government...I do not understand why the state is not more open to saying yes mistakes were made."
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For the truth to out about another cover up/blaming lies scandal !

This time lies told about British troops...

Declassified documents have cleared an army regiment of any blame in the biggest loss of British life during the Falklands War.

"Forty-eight crew were killed when the Sir Galahad, an unarmed and undefended supply ship carrying British troops to the Falklands, was hit by Argentinian air force bombs on 8 June 1982.
Thirty-two Welsh Guards died in the attack, but the unit was blamed by some for disobeying orders to leave the boat, making it vulnerable to attack.
Secret files seen by the BBC have now exonerated the regiment and survivors say they now want to know why they were "abandoned" then "betrayed".

Andy Burnham got it spot on recently when he said:


"A “fundamental rewiring of the political system” was needed as too many people were being harmed (blood scandal) and then waiting decades for justice."

"Burnham, who also played a key role in uncovering the Hillsborough scandal, said there were similarities with that tragedy alongside the Grenfell Tower fire, the Post Office scandal, the Bloody Sunday killings and the nuclear test veterans’ fight for justice.

He said: “How is it that [so many] British citizens have been the victims of quite colossal injustice for decades and yet the state has just tried to push them into the wilderness?

“There’s a huge list. I think it goes to the heart of the way Britain is run. The system that we have hands too much power to the unelected state"

Nothing will change of course, because the undemocratic ruling system is devised to allow those guilty of corruption/lies/cover ups to get away with it!
My understanding at the time was that a junior (but experienced) Royal Marine officer told them to get off the ship ASAP due to the risk of Argie bombers. The Welsh Guards officer onboard was more senior to the marine so told him to take one. The report is correct that the Welsh Guards did not disobey an order to disembark...........Fog of War...........very sad day in history :(