Mottie could give Martin Lewis a run for his money.
A few years ago i got a letter from a company saying that they could claim back credit card PPI payments.
I phoned them and they said they would send me an agreement to sign.
When i read the agreement it said that the company would take 30% plus VAT of any money they claimed on my behalf from the Credit card companies, they was also a proviso, that in the event of me not being entitled to any money back, i still would have to pay them a fee for their time making the claim, that was the bit about the deal i didn't like.
I then came across the Martin Lewis site MSE, Martin Lewis explained that you could claim back PPI yourself very easily in just 3 steps using letter templates which could be downloaded from his site.
I downloaded the letter templates, i only had to fill in my name and address and account numbers, the legal jargon and relevant legal obligations of the credit card companies to respond to my requests were preprinted.
I sent the letters off one at a time, i eventually got a letter from one credit card company offering £1700 in final settlement, a few weeks later i got another letter from another Credit card company offering £365, I accepted both offers.
About 6 months later, the company that made the first offer sent me a letter saying they had made a miscalculation and that they were sending me another £145.
Even since then i go to Martin Lewis's site occasionally to have a look for a bargain.