It won’t affect us; it will be over in a month ...


17 May 2012
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United Kingdom
Wondering how now might be similar to the run up to other wars. This quote, from a review of The Passing Bells, could be one of those we should have learned from history moments.

"Above all, Jordan depicts the every-day views of each nations’ citizens in the build up to war: it won’t affect us; it will be over in a month."
Over By Christmas ... was a common assumption before WW1

"Well, I thought the same as everybody else. Everybody said ‘It’ll be over by Christmas and you’ve got to get out soon, otherwise you won’t see anything’. But I don’t know if it was my opinion, or if everybody was saying it. One certainly changed one’s mind when we found how well-organised Jerry was compared with us for instance. And how thinly we were on the ground, of course." Bill Haine
Americans felt the same about WW2, thinking it would never affect them.

The calm before the storm? Hopefully not, but worrying times. Things do seem to be slowly escalating, even though the media is trying to keep us calmly informed.
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The fact is most of us in England felt like that when our leaders Boris & co attacked Libya/Iraq etc and in the process maligned the good name of the majority of hard-working British citizens.

IMO, the Americans are worried re nuclear attacks as they've not had to deal with a madman armed to the teeth with nukes for 60 years.
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