It's amazing what 'celebrity' can do...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Whatever your view on the jab...

"All adults with a learning disability will be offered a coronavirus vaccine following new advice from experts, in a major win for disability charities and campaigners.
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has issued guidance saying that any adult on the GP Learning Disability Register should be prioritised for vaccination due to the risk of severe disease."

Funnily enough that 'new advice' only came about after an intervention by Jo Whiley.

Anyone who knows a family with a person who has learning disabilities, or who knows someone who works with them, will know that they are treated as second class citizens!

Just as kids going hungry wasn't addressed until Marcus Rashford spoke out.

Politicians only seem to act when someone with a high profile speaks up!
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It was announced recently, but there seems to have been little comment, that 60% of the 'covid deaths' were disabled people; including those with learning difficulties.

So, even less risk for people not in this or any of the other higher risk categories.
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If all these 'statistics' about who gets to die from Covid are true then Dianne Abbott must be the scientist behind them all.

Only 'cos if 60% were disabled, 90% were elderly, 95% had an underlying condition & 40% are BAME, then we seem to have an awful lot of elderly disabled black people with diabetes.

P.S. According to statistics, me & my cat both have 3 legs . . .
I see that the jokers (aka members of the 'bridge') pop their heads up and make fun because they are unable to comprehend the problem (n)
It was announced recently, but there seems to have been little comment, that 60% of the 'covid deaths' were disabled people; including those with learning difficulties.

So, even less risk for people not in this or any of the other higher risk categories.

I think it was 60% of disabled people incl those with learning difficulties deaths, died of covid 19
He helped a bit...They were not all starving to death before he became involved.
Who said anything about 'starving to death'?

Oh that's right, it was you!

But of course since you lack the intelligence to understand this (or any) social problem you twist 'going hungry' to suit your warped agenda!
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