11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Just watched a conspiracy-busting documentary on UK History tonight.

A computer graphics whizz re-constructed the motorcade from the 8mm footage, so it could be viewed from any angle.

The so called "magic bullet" is nonsense. The Oliver Stone film had the govenor sitting directly in front of JFK and at the same height, looking ahead. The reality was that he was inboard of the president, sitting lower, and turned sharply to the right. This meant that the injuries to both men could have been caused by Oswald's bullet as it passed through them, travelling in a straight line.

The theory that there was a fourth shot from the grassy knoll is busted, too.
It was said that an open mic on a police motorcycle recorded a fourth shot, but the computer reconstruction places the bike in a position where it could not have captured the sound.

That's another conspiracy theory out of the window for all those conspiracy-curious people (me included!).
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There is a computer game out at the moment where you play LH Oswald. They are offering a big cash prize for the player who recreates the wounds to JFK with the greatest fidelity. :eek:
I too saw the documentary, along with the many others over the years.

I've had a keen interest in this, since the event, read dozens of books and to this day still do not have any firm conclusions.

It has swept back & forth for over 40 years and I have lost count the amount of times I've said thats it no more, only to read something that gets me hooked again.

The magic bullet theory is proved and then disproved on a regular basis.

By & large nearly everything is just going over the same old stuff, which solves nothing but just now & again a little snippet comes out that is new.

A couple of weeks ago, I heard that Robert Kennedy was reported as saying " it looks like the only way I'm ever going to find out what happened to my brother is to become presedent" and that says a lot to me.

I really do believe that the truth is known and the fact that it has never been made public, says more than any documentary ever could.
H&J said:
By & large nearly everything is just going over the same old stuff, which solves nothing but just now & again a little snippet comes out that is new.
I really do believe that the truth is known and the fact that it has never been made public, says more than any documentary ever could.
I'm with you on this - you can dig over what's available again and again, using more modern analytical techniques, but it's my belief that there is no longer any really substantial evidence to tell the real story.
Some of it may have been deliberately destroyed.
The pathological evidence from JFK will have been lost in the attempts to save his life - or at least "they" will say so.
Some of it would never have existed as "evidence".
It has now got to the point that as far as I am concerned there is no real credibility for any particular version of the events of that day.
The version I would give more weight to than any other would be the one that JFK himself will relate when he decides to return to the public world. I reckon he's out there somewhere, relaxing in the tropics sharing a jar with Elvis and Lord Lucan.
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Nah, I saw the last mentioned pair plus Bobby maxwell threes up on Shergar ... riding out, top of the Mendip hills recently !