Join 2 laptops wireless

15 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
I have a new laptop running windows 7& my old one using xp.
I have created a home group on the win7, how to I get my xp laptop to join it.
Fed up googling, couldnt find anything that seemed simple.
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Do your laptops connect with the internet through a wireless router? If so , you'll have to create a network so they can share files etc. As far as I know 2 lappy's can't communicate wirelessly with each other unless they both connect to a router.
(stands ready to be shot down in flames from some computer geek) ;) ;)
You could install teamviewer, allows you to operates both laptops from either and transfer files to either.
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Do your laptops connect with the internet through a wireless router? If so , you'll have to create a network so they can share files etc. As far as I know 2 lappy's can't communicate wirelessly with each other unless they both connect to a router.
(stands ready to be shot down in flames from some computer geek) ;) ;)
They can both connect to the internet